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RE: PERL DBI connection to Remote Oracle Database

From: Sanjay Mishra <>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 10:33:13 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>


  It is working and I am trying to understand as how it is making connection even the Port is not defined. On Remote DB server, I am running two listener. How this program use SID defined in Perl to connect to correct instance.       

"Reidy, Ron" <> wrote:

      My guess is it won't make a connection except for the default ports. What happens if you try it yourself with a small program?    

  Ron Reidy
  Lead DBA         

  From: [] On Behalf Of Sanjay Mishra Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 8:42 AM
Subject: PERL DBI connection to Remote Oracle Database   


  I am working on exsiting Perl program and found that it is usinf DBI to connect to Remote Database . The string used to connect the Remote database doesn't have PORT. Connection is going fine. Remote database is listening on PORT 1523 and not the Default 1521.    

  I checked the Manual and it says the following but still not clear as if it only check on 1521 and 1526 or others. Any ideas as how it will work if Port is not specified like even shown below in the Doc statement   Connecting without environment variables or tnsname.ora file If you use the host=$host;sid=$sid style syntax, for example:

  $dbh = DBI->connect(";sid=ORCL", $user, $passwd);   then DBD::Oracle will construct a full connection descriptor string for you and Oracle will not need to consult the tnsname.ora file.   If a port number is not specified then the descriptor will try both 1526 and 1521 in that order (e.g., new then old). You can check which port(s) are in use by typing "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stat" on the server.    


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Received on Tue Aug 28 2007 - 12:33:13 CDT

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