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Linux RAC using OCFS2 - inital installation questions

From: laura pena <>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 13:15:13 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

So I am tasked with installing RAC on a 2 node cluster. I am 1/3 of the way reading through the documentation and am scratching my head with OCFS, OCFS2 , ASM. If anyone can take the time and verify and/or just give me feedback on direction that would awesome:

Summary of system. Both nodes have:
OS Linux Enterprise 5 2.6.18-8.1.el5 x86_64 is the OS Memory 8G
Connected to storage array MD3000

(2) - 36G disk RAID 1 going to be used for voting disk
(4) - 300G SAS disk RAID 10 going to be used for Data
(3) - 300G disk RAID 5 going to be used for Flashback recovery area

So I have downloaded required RPMS ( about a dozen to check from doc). Downloaded all verion 10201 (64bit) clusterware, companion, gateways, and database for Linux. I am pondering the use of OCSF2 for Oracle Cluster Ware. I can see the disks through logical volume manger on linux but am wondering:

1> Not quite sure on the linux side what I need to do minimum to make sure disks are visable for clusterware installer.
2> Should I just  run the clusterware installer next?
3> Is there not a cluster verification application that checks RAC is setup appropriately?
4> How does Automatic Storage Management (ASM) work with OCSF2
5> Do I have a choice to load OCSF or OCSF2 with Cluster Filesystem installation?
6> ASM offers Flashback Recovery area to store backup redo logs, control files and Archive logs? Do I need archive loggin setup if ASM is setup with Flashback Recovery?  Is the ASM  Falshback Recovery area required?

Anyways thanks for any information/asvice you maybe able to give me.


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Received on Tue Aug 14 2007 - 15:15:13 CDT

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