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Re: Sql Developer

From: Rumpi Gravenstein <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 15:09:15 -0400
Message-ID: <>

I've run across this attitude by many and have always had some trouble with it. Can you tell that I'm a long time developer?

Here are my counter points:

  1. There should be at least 3 instances in a well managed development environment. Development, Test and Production. The issues that you point out should be resolved in the test environment, an exact copy of production (or as near as you can get it), well before new code is moved into production. I've followed this procedure and never had a problem.
  2. Development is frequently hindered by over protective DBAs in environments of no consequence. Way back when (early 90s) I was working on VAX/VMS development system where the system administrator insisted that there was no need for granting all the developers access to the system monitoring tool. He reasoned that the access might bring the system down to it's knees with the 4 developers running the tool simultaneously. It took months and countless conversation to get him to see the error in his ways. That single change resulted in better, more reliable code. It also ended up saving the company money as development cycles were shortened. Similar situations occur all the time in my Oracle development efforts.
  3. In a development environment, where no real data exists, wouldn't it be nice if the developer could try several approaches that in a production or test instance would need additional privileges without having to go through a change control or a proper blessing by a DBA who may (and in many cases is) unfamiliar with the requested privilege? That process is best gone through once, after the developer has decided on what he has found to be viable alternatives and chosen the best course.
  4. Most seasoned developers will plan on requiring the fewest possible privileges as securing their applications is as much an issue for the developer as it is for the DBA. After all, a developer will need to ensure that the application is protected against all sorts of security threats ranging from protecting passwords all the way through to preventing SQL injection attacks.

As you may notice I've gotten into kerfuffle's on this topic before as there is no clear right choice. An inexperienced developer or DBA could prove either of our points for us.

An old curmudgeon disagrees. My take is that in development privileges
> granted to the development schemas should only be what is needed as well,
> and moreover that those privileges should be explicitly granted to the
> development schema either directly or through a role as appropriate (how I
> wish PL/SQL understood roles!). If you don't do this the following will
> happen and be resolved in one of two ways.
> The production schema will not be granted sufficient rights.
> 1. It will be resolved by granting blanket rights (CONNECT, RESOURCE as
> per a lot of Oracle Corp code). or
> 2. It will be resolved by the dba determining appropriate rights (possibly
> iteratively) and granting them in production.
> Put another way what I am saying is that if it isn't done right in dev
> then it will either not be done right in production or a different version
> of the app will be being run in production.

Rumpi Gravenstein

Received on Tue Jun 12 2007 - 14:09:15 CDT

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