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Re: Increasing CPU on every execution of an anonymous block sent from WebLogic

From: Zoran Martic <>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 01:34:59 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

Not sure I will help anything but to throw a few ideas.

I will not expect anonymous block to be different then PL/SQL call as you need to pass the binds whatever way. Also from any client you need to call PL/SQL anonymously anyway with begin/end making it similar if not the same. The binding should be by position meaning it does not matter the name of it (I may be wrong as did not look java code for some time).

I will focus on your statements about the server side timing that increasing.

Just a few more ideas:

1. Is the connection dedicated or shared? Shared may cause some interesting issues :)
2. If you are dynamically building PL/SQL blocks and they are different so executing them may eat up the memory inside the server side process increasing the CPU time.
3. Did you check the memory leaks as usual problem with such constructs usually related to Oracle bugs and sometimes bad coding of course (I have them a lot in the past)
4. Of course it may be just that these blocks are piling up one after another and increasing the timing due to the actual work done (block reads, latching, ...) but you mention it is not the case.
5. I assume binds are reasonable size and not lobs?


I'm no Java expert, but my understanding is that the Java code builds an anonymous block (PreparedStatement) dynamically, sets the bind values, then uses the execute() method to submit it to the database. It's executed in the database (appears in trace file).

So, your point is that the database has to go back to the app server to get each bind value? If so, each time it might have to traverse a larger and larger Java structure to get the new value...but would that translate to more CPU on the Oracle server?

Paul Baumgartel
Information Technology
DBA & Admin - NY, KIGA 1
One Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10010
Phone 212.538.1143

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark W. Farnham [] Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 11:35 AM To: 'Baumgartel, Paul'; 'Alberto Dell'Era' Cc:
Subject: RE: Increasing CPU on every execution of an anonymous block sent from WebLogic

no, I really can't. If the java code is setting the values, does that mean you really only have a single line of pl/sql in the block, or are you generating bind variable assignments from java and creating a long block of code?

If you're generating a long block of code, where is the pl/sql actually executed? If the pl/sql is executing on the client or a middle tier, then each one of those bind variable assignements is going to be a line turnaround, and even if you're somehow getting it to the database server for execution you're still walking down into the database and back out for each variable assignment.

Sounds like even a ham handed approach like turning each of what you currently have as bind variable assignments could be batched together as writes to a temp file (external) on the database server and then a single insert of the form

insert into <table_name>
  select * from <external_temp_table>

(and then scratch the external_temp_table).

in place of the block, and then do whatever the current code does between each block submission.

Quite possibly I totally misunderstand your entire architecture. If so, please ignore all my comments.

-----Original Message-----
From: Baumgartel, Paul [] Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 11:11 AM To: 'Mark W. Farnham'; 'Alberto Dell'Era' Cc:
Subject: RE: Increasing CPU on every execution of an anonymous block sent from WebLogic

The block consists solely of INSERT INTO...VALUES statements. The values of the binds are set in the calling Java code that submits the block.

There are some standalone inserts (into different tables) and queries between executions of the block.

Can you clarify your comment regarding the approach?


Paul Baumgartel
Information Technology
DBA & Admin - NY, KIGA 1
One Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10010
Phone 212.538.1143

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark W. Farnham [] Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 11:00 AM To:; 'Alberto Dell'Era' Cc:
Subject: RE: Increasing CPU on every execution of an anonymous block sent from WebLogic

okay, I'll bite -- What else is going on in this block?

Are queries, potentially involving blocks and indexes affected by the inserts being iteratively queried between the inserts?

Since the bind variables are constant in name, this implies they must be set to new values either by query or new value assignment in the pl/sql code. The former could be affected by what our friend Tom Kyte refers to as write consistency, while the latter would still imply a full stack line turn around to the client (that is where your pl/sql is running, right?).

Sounds to me like either possibility is the wrong way to run a railroad, even if some bug can be discovered and fixed to make the performance within your service level requirements.



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Baumgartel, Paul
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 9:44 AM
To: 'Alberto Dell'Era'; Baumgartel, Paul Cc:
Subject: RE: Increasing CPU on every execution of an anonymous block sent from WebLogic

The timings are for serial execution of the block by the same connection.

The text of the block, including bind names, is identical every time.

Paul Baumgartel
Information Technology
DBA & Admin - NY, KIGA 1
One Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10010
Phone 212.538.1143

-----Original Message-----
From: Alberto Dell'Era [] Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: Increasing CPU on every execution of an anonymous block sent from WebLogic

  > Analysis of the trace files for the bind-variable version reveals that the
> CPU time to EXEC the anonymous block (and, to a lesser extent, its
> constituent INSERT statements) steadily increases. The first time
> through the CPU time is about 0.02 second. By the last execution
> before the timeout, the CPU time is just about 1.0 second.
> Interestingly, the logical I/O stats for each execution are quite low
> (<100 current reads and consistent reads) and quite consistent.

Are those timings for a serial execution of the block by the same connection, or by concurrent execution by different connections ?

Is the block identical for bind variables names also ? ie

  insert ... values (:bind_one);
  insert ... values (:bind_one);


  insert ... values (:bind_one);
  insert ... values (:bind_TWO);

Alberto Dell'Era
"dulce bellum inexpertis"

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Received on Thu Mar 22 2007 - 03:34:59 CDT

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