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RE: What was the WORST session at IOUG/Collaborate or OOW you have ever seen

From: Robert Freeman <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 23:19:12 -0600
Message-ID: <>

And... I have to add to this.... My first session ever at UKOUG, I think I did 9i New Features ... I was like the first presenter after the keynote. Had room full and I was pretty happy with the presentation and felt pretty smug.

THEN this guy gets on after me and just beats me all to the dickens with an awesome presentation... I felt so embarrassed because *I* the "Oracle 9i New Features author" learned about a new feature I was not aware of (to be fair, this was 9iR2 and at the time I'd not gotten caught up on the R2 new features as well as I should have). I was humbled... skulking down in my chair as he continued to humble me for the next 45 minutes.

I was so impressed and felt like I needed to go back to presenters school or something....

His name...

Connor McDonald...


Robert G. Freeman
Oracle Press Author
Principle Engineer/Team Manager
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Collaborate '07
Come join my APEX University Session
and Join me to talk about Evolutionary Database Development!! The LDS Church is Hiring DBAs! Contact me if you are interested!

> That was the worse session I ever attended. What
> about you?? No need to name
> names, I'm not looking to embarrass anyone...
> RF
> --
> Worst talk ever ? Easy. One of my own.
> Early-nineties I gave a talk on best practices to my
> work colleagues.
> Fast forward 15 years, dozens of projects, and two
> continents, and voila,
> I'm back in Perth, and I'm working on a project with
> one of my original work
> mates. She pulls out the 15 year old slides and
> tells me how she's
> religiously following the recommendations... you
> know things like checking
> the buffer cache hit ratio, rebuilding her indexes
> regularly, throwing
> bitmap indexes on high activity tables, stuff like
> that...The only positive
> was that I got the bit about bind variables right...
> Live and learn I guess...
> --

Robert G. Freeman
Portable DBA: Oracle (Oracle Press)
Oracle Database 10g New Features (Oracle Press) Oracle9i RMAN Backup and Recovery (Oracle Press) Oracle9i New Features (Oracle Press)
Oracle Replication (Rampant Tech Press)
Mastering Oracle8i (Sybex)
Oracle8 to 8i Upgrade Exam Cram (Coriolis <RIP>) Oracle 7.3 to 8 Upgrade Exam Cram (Coriolis <RIP>)


Received on Tue Mar 20 2007 - 00:19:12 CDT

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