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From: Johnson, George <GJohnson_at_GAM.COM>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 13:52:37 +0100
Message-ID: <>

        As is typical I am going nowhere fast with Oracle UK support and I wondered if someone might be able to point me in the right direction.

        Basically I have set remote_dependencies_mode=SIGNATURE in the spfile on database A, my assumption is that it should be global SIGNATURE to database A, any user logging in will be set to SIG mode. When user logs into A, they are still set with TIMESTAMP mode, not SIGNATURE as dictated by the global spfile setting. I have proved this by setting up package dependencies to another package in another database and firing calls before and after reloading the packages to invalidate them.

        This appears contradictory to the documentation and Metalink notes, which state that if the remote_dependencies_mode is set in the spfile it affects all users who login, they may override it if they wish or permissions allow, but if they do not, then they get the global setting as set in the spfile. I have checked and there are no DB triggers on the DB, that might setting this. I have a test case with Oracle but as usual, they are dragging their heels.

	O/S: Solaris 9 (SPARC)

	I was wondering if anyone else had had similar issues or might be able to advise me where else to start looking other than DB triggers or glogin files. This is purely from command line SQL*Plus, no SQL*Net, forms nor external third-party oddities.

	Kind regards

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Received on Wed Aug 23 2006 - 07:52:37 CDT

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