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Re: Logical Standby Issues (cont.)

From: Mark Strickland <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 14:55:19 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I'm using SGA_TARGET, so my other SGA memory parameters aren't set. SGA_TARGET=1500M. That's small but it's a test database. I did test with a larger SGA (3500M) and with the logical standby parameter MAX_SGA set to 2000. No difference. I am neither CPU nor IO bound. I ran OSWatcher during the tests. I can't easily set up a Solaris 10 OS environment at the moment. The Apply process uses a single update SQL statement with bind variables that it executes 1,000,000 times. It does use the table's primary key index. When I tested 1,000,000 unique update statements (i.e. with literals, not bind variables) running directly in the standby from a SQL script, it took 50 minutes, even with all that hard parsing and not-large SGA. Here's the update statement that is executed by SQL Apply:

update /*+ streams restrict_all_ref_cons */ "MILA"."RATEMARGINADD" p set "ANEWCOLUMN"=decode(:1,'N',"ANEWCOLUMN",:2),


where (:21='N' or
(decode(:22,'N','Y',decode(:23,"ANEWCOLUMN",'Y'))='Y' and
decode(:24,'N','Y',decode(:25,"BACKUP_MARGIN",'Y'))='Y' and
decode(:26,'N','Y',decode(:27,"DATELASTMODIFIED",'Y'))='Y' and
decode(:28,'N','Y',decode(:29,"DATERECORDADDED",'Y'))='Y' and
decode(:30,'N','Y',decode(:31,"MARGIN",'Y'))='Y' and
decode(:32,'N','Y',decode(:33,"NAME",'Y'))='Y' and 1=1 and
decode(:34,'N','Y',decode(:35,"OIDMORTGAGE",'Y'))='Y' and
decode(:36,'N','Y',decode(:37,"ORDINAL",'Y'))='Y' and
decode(:38,'N','Y',decode(:39,"RATE",'Y'))='Y')) and(:40="OID") and
rownum < 2;


On 8/10/06, Rich Amick <> wrote:
> What is the size of your streams pool?
> In your snapshots, what are the values for CPU time, User IO time and Sys IO
> time for the apply reader and the logminer reader?
> Ie. are you CPU or IO bound?
> Can you set up a Solaris 10 OS env?
> If so, maybe dtrace on the apply process would help...
> Also, the apply process should just use straight SQL as noted by Carel-Jan
> Engel. A tkprof'd level 12 10046 trace of the apply process during the test
> might also prove useful.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Strickland []
> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:55 PM
> To: Rich Amick
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Logical Standby Issues (cont.)
> Oh yeah, I've taken AWR snapshots and run the logical standby
> diagnostics script provided on Metalink. I've set logical standby
> parameters as recommended by Oracle Support. I've set various events
> and levels of tracing. Yes, it is the Applier process that is
> consuming the CPU. In 10gR1, there is latch contention while Log
> Miner is scraping DMLs out of the archived logs (Log Miner Work Area
> latch) but the latch contention goes away once Log Mining finishes.
> Log Mining takes about half of the total elapsed time of the test.
> However, SQL Apply does not suddenly speed up. It continues its
> linear trajectory toward more slowness. In my 10gR2 tests, the latch
> contention doesn't exist but the test still takes close to the same
> amount of time as in 10gR1. Log Mining takes about 34 minutes which
> is much faster than in 10gR1. I've graphed the amount of time between
> log switches in the standby. It gets longer and longer and the graph
> is linear pointing Northeast. In the 10gR1 tests, each redo log takes
> about 28 seconds longer on average to fill than the last one for
> roughly the same number of SCNs. In the 10gR2 tests, each redo log
> takes about 10 seconds longer to fill than the last one but there are
> more log switches than in 10gR1. Don't know why and haven't looked
> into it. At any rate 10gR2 is a little faster than 10gR1 but not by
> much. From the AWR reports I can easily see from the number of
> executions of the update statement for each time period covered by the
> AWR snapshot that SQL Apply is slowing down.
> Thanks for responding.
> Mark

Received on Thu Aug 10 2006 - 16:55:19 CDT

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