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Re: Veritas Netbackup users

From: Jared Still <>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 12:53:56 -0700
Message-ID: <>

On 8/3/06, Fred Smith <> wrote:


> If you backup <1 database on the master server and <1 databases on a
> client
> server, how do you configure it? Do you run a separate policy for each
> server OR a separate policy for each database? (Or do you combine the jobs
> into 1 policy?)

How you configure will likely be affected by your environment:

I'm going to assume that you use RMAN.

We use RMAN for all but 2 databases. Those are 7.3 databases that will soon be upgraded to 10g.

We have an RMAN repository, but I am phasing it out. I haven't seen there's all that much benefit to having one.

Not that this bit matters all that much as far as configuration goes, but that's
how we are setup.

As far as policies for databases (Oracle specifically, we also have SQL Server)
a database may be several different policies.

Say for example you have a server s1 with three databases on it: d1, d2 and d3.

All databases are in archive log mode.

General methods:

Archive logs are backed up once per day and left on disk.

Production databases are backed up once per day (night time), and archive logs are backed up and deleted. This puts some/most archive logs on tape twice. I haven't found a way (built in anyway) with RMAN to ensure that a archive log is put on tape twice before being deleted. (Ideas on this one?)

Development and low-activity databases may be backed up only once a week.

Occasionally a database is generating a lot more redo than normal, and a job must be run to backup the arch logs and delete them immediately.

Some db's are subject to SarbOx standards, and must be backed up quarterly with a near infinite retention time.

Database d1 and d2 are not subject to SarbOx.

Database d3 is subject to SarbOx.


Polocies are named for server, database, and method. Method and database are optional components, but at least one of them must be used.


   d1 and d2 full database backup
   retention time is 2 weeks
   This backup is scheduled


   d1, d2 and d3 archive logs backed up and left on disk    retention time is 2 weeks
   This backup is scheduled


   d1, d2 and d3 archive logs backed up and removed from disk    retention time is 2 weeks
   This backup is not scheduled - must be run manually

   There may also be indiviual policies per database.    eg. ORA_s1_d1_arch_delete, ORA_s1_d2_arch_delete, ...

  d1 and d2 databases are backed up weekly.   archive logs are backed up and removed   retention time is 2 weeks.
  This backup is scheduled.

  d3 database is backed up
  archive logs are backed up and removed   retention time is 2 weeks.
  This backup is scheduled.

  d3 database is backed up
  archive logs are backed up and removed   retention time is a long time (7 years IIRC)   This backup is scheduled.


Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist

Received on Thu Aug 03 2006 - 14:53:56 CDT

Original text of this message