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I tried using a concatenated index with both columns. Still a FTS was the
result. If I remove the like and use an = . the result is a bitmap OR operation
that uses both indexes. its the Like that is causing the issue.
Josh C.
From: [] On
Behalf Of Paula Stankus
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 1:40 PM
To:; 'oracle-l'
Subject: Re: How to get query to use an index
Why not consider using a concatenated index with both columns versus writing the SQL statement as a Union All
Tim Gorman <> wrote:
SELECT cus.cusky, cus.cliky, cus.cus01frnm, cus.cus01lanm, cus.cusblad01,
cus.cusblad02, cus.cusblcity, cus.cusblstate, cus.cusblzip, cus.cusblcntry, cus.cusad01, cus.cusad02, cus.cuscy, cus.cusst, cus.cuszp, cus.cuscountry, cus.cus01email, cus.cushoph, cus.cus01wrph, cus.wpa_change
cus.cusblad02, cus.cusblcity, cus.cusblstate, cus.cusblzip, cus.cusblcntry, cus.cusad01, cus.cusad02, cus.cuscy, cus.cusst, cus.cuszp, cus.cuscountry, cus.cus01email, cus.cushoph, cus.cus01wrph, cus.wpa_change
Hope this helps...
on 4/11/06 2:13 PM, Josh Collier at wrote:
> Query is currently using a full tablescan
> There are two indexes.
> One on cus01wrph
> One on cushoph
> If I just put in one or the other (either cusoph or cus01wrph) then the index
> is
> used.
> SELECT cus.cusky, cus.cliky, cus.cus01frnm, cus.cus01lanm, cus.cusblad01,
> cus.cusblad02, cus.cusblcity, cus.cusblstate, cus.cusblzip,
> cus.cusblcntry, cus.cusad01, cus.cusad02, cus.cuscy, cus.cusst,
> cus.cuszp, cus.cuscountry, cus.cus01email, cus.cushoph, cus.cus01wrph,
> cus.wpa_change
> FROM cus_current_row cus
> WHERE ( cushoph LIKE SYS_CONTEXT ('MY_CTX_wpaods', 'phone')
> OR cus01wrph LIKE SYS_CONTEXT ('MY_CTX_wpaods', 'phone')
> )
> Thanks for your help,
> Josh C.
> --
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