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RE: 4031 - errors

From: Frits Hoogland <>
Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 10:04:32 +0200
Message-ID: <53EB52454E9CD411BB7B00306E00214B07CAB62C@NL-HOO-MAIL01>

this is a problem I see sometimes on database from version 8.1.7 and higher.

currently I discussing this with oracle support, for which we found a bug in

what I see is a growing number 'perm' chunks in the shared pool (can be seen with the shared pool summary query from steve adams)

first, nothing strange is happening. when the number of perm chunks is getting higher and higher, I can see the lru lists of the shared pool becoming shorter. because of the mechanism for freeing this, the length is varying, but getting shorter. (lru list length can be seen in x$kghlu; or a script from steve adams)

when looking at the shared pool freelists (a script from steve adams too), the number of large chunks can be seen decreasing, and eventually no chunks of about 4200 bytes and higher can be found, then a ora-4031 is issued.
(>4400 bytes are going to reserved area) because only recreatable chunks can
be flushed, a shared pool flush is of little use.

the bug found in is bug# 3645494. workaround is setting session_cached_cursors=0 (as can be seen in the bugdescription)


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Duret, Kathy Sent: woensdag 26 mei 2004 21:53
Subject: 4031 - errors

Had a strange problems on Friday afternoon. We are on Solaris  

Had a ton of Bam - ora_04031 errors.  

Tried to flush the shared pool and it would release some space but a large chuck was not being released and this was strange since we have only acouple of objects pinned.  

When I tried to pin an object that was failing right after I would flush the shared_pool I couldn't get space.  

Nothing new was put in that week as far as I know.  

Put in a tar with Oracle and they suggested to bounce the database - which I did later, increased the shared_pool and session_cached_cursors We have pinned some more objects that are being loaded alot.  

I looked at the sql area and nothing looked horrible, all the same normal stuff. In fact there was really no load on the database or machine, no swapping or paging.  

It was very strange. It looked like "something" had memory and wasn't releasing it.  

Oracle Supportless was of no help.... except to say bounce the database and told me to set a parameter that isn't available until 9i.  

I tried running quite a few of Steve Adams scripts but really didn't enlighten me as to what was causing the problem.  

I have since set the event in the init.ora for 4031. I know we don't use enough bind variable since the "java" structure with Jbosse doesn't work with bind variable ( this is what I am told anyway)  

the cursor_spaced_for_time is set to true which I believe was done for the Jbosse app we are running since they pool connections and can't/dont use bind variables. I am wondering
if this should be set to false.  

My questions are:  

  1. Is there a way to tell an object is holding/leaking memory in the database. Or a way to monitor the shared_pool so I can be proactive if fragmentation is getting out of hand.
  2. This Steve Adams query says to set kgl_bucket_count to 7 the hash table from growing -- dynamically, and thus prevents the performance problems -- associated with hash table growth - How can I see if I have a problem with this hash table growth? select least(8, ceil(log(2, ceil(count(*) / 509)))) "INDEX" from sys.x_$kglob o where o.inst_id = userenv('Instance') and o.kglhdadr = o.kglhdpar /

Any suggestions, welcome.  

init.ora - I took out the nls and archive,etc info  

_spin_count                              5000
processes                                700
sessions                                 775
timed_statistics                         TRUE
timed_os_statistics                      0
resource_limit                           FALSE
license_max_sessions                     0
license_sessions_warning                 0
cpu_count                                4
shared_pool_size                         500000000
shared_pool_reserved_size                25000000
large_pool_size                          614400
java_pool_size                           20971520
java_soft_sessionspace_limit             0
java_max_sessionspace_size               0
pre_page_sga                             FALSE
shared_memory_address                    0
hi_shared_memory_address                 0
use_indirect_data_buffers                FALSE
lock_sga                                 FALSE
enqueue_resources                        1000
disk_asynch_io                           TRUE
tape_asynch_io                           TRUE
dbwr_io_slaves                           0
backup_tape_io_slaves                    FALSE
db_file_direct_io_count                  64
lm_ress                                  6000
lm_locks                                 12000
db_block_buffers                         25000
db_block_checksum                        FALSE
db_block_size                            8192
db_block_lru_latches                     8
db_writer_processes                      2
db_block_max_dirty_target                25000
max_commit_propagation_delay             700
compatible                               8.1.7
log_archive_trace                        0
log_buffer                               2097152
log_checkpoint_interval                  999999999
log_checkpoint_timeout                   900
db_files                                 200
db_file_multiblock_read_count            8
read_only_open_delayed                   FALSE
parallel_server                          FALSE
parallel_server_instances                1
gc_releasable_locks                      0
gc_rollback_locks                        0-1024=32!8REACH
gc_defer_time                            10
thread                                   0
fast_start_io_target                     25000
log_checkpoints_to_alert                 FALSE
recovery_parallelism                     0
control_file_record_keep_time            7
dml_locks                                3408
row_locking                              always
serializable                             FALSE
replication_dependency_tracking          TRUE
instance_number                          0
transactions                             852
transactions_per_rollback_segment        5
max_rollback_segments                    170
transaction_auditing                     FALSE
fast_start_parallel_rollback             LOW
db_block_checking                        FALSE
_row_cache_instance_locks                1000
_row_cache_buffer_size                   2000
_row_cache_cursors                       100
os_roles                                 FALSE
max_enabled_roles                        30
remote_os_authent                        FALSE
remote_os_roles                          FALSE
remote_login_passwordfile                EXCLUSIVE
dblink_encrypt_login                     FALSE
license_max_users                        0
global_names                             FALSE
distributed_transactions                 213
commit_point_strength                    1
mts_servers                              0
mts_max_servers                          20
mts_max_dispatchers                      5
mts_sessions                             0
mts_circuits                             0
mts_multiple_listeners                   FALSE
open_links                               100
open_links_per_instance                  4
optimizer_features_enable                8.1.7
audit_trail                              DB
sort_area_size                           2097152
sort_area_retained_size                  524288
sort_multiblock_read_count               8
open_cursors                             1500
sql_trace                                FALSE
optimizer_mode                           CHOOSE
sql92_security                           FALSE
blank_trimming                           FALSE
always_anti_join                         NESTED_LOOPS
partition_view_enabled                   FALSE
star_transformation_enabled              FALSE
parallel_broadcast_enabled               FALSE
parallel_adaptive_multi_user             FALSE
parallel_threads_per_cpu                 2
parallel_automatic_tuning                FALSE
always_semi_join                         STANDARD
optimizer_max_permutations               80000
optimizer_index_cost_adj                 100
optimizer_index_caching                  0
query_rewrite_enabled                    FALSE
query_rewrite_integrity                  enforced
sql_version                              NATIVE
serial_reuse                             DISABLE
cursor_space_for_time                    TRUE
session_cached_cursors                   400
text_enable                              FALSE
remote_dependencies_mode                 TIMESTAMP
plsql_v2_compatibility                   FALSE
job_queue_processes                      1
job_queue_interval                       60
optimizer_percent_parallel               0
parallel_min_percent                     0
create_bitmap_area_size                  8388608
bitmap_merge_area_size                   1048576
cursor_sharing                           EXACT
parallel_min_servers                     0
parallel_max_servers                     5
parallel_execution_message_size          2148
hash_join_enabled                        TRUE
hash_area_size                           2097152
hash_multiblock_io_count                 8
oracle_trace_enable                      FALSE
oracle_trace_facility_path               ?/otrace/admin/fdf
oracle_trace_collection_path             ?/otrace/admin/cdf
oracle_trace_facility_name               oracled
oracle_trace_collection_size             5242880
object_cache_optimal_size                1048576
object_cache_max_size_percent            10
session_max_open_files                   10
aq_tm_processes                          0
hs_autoregister                          TRUE


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Received on Thu May 27 2004 - 03:01:56 CDT

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