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Re: Linux for x86 or Intel

From: Fernando <>
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 23:13:22 -0700
Message-Id: <>

> try debugging a client/app running from a Mac desktop
> running a sqlnet 2.3.2 client (think 7.3.2)

I am sorry, but I was talking of Mac OS X; this is based on FreeBSD and it has a full version of the RDBMS. I had never had interest on pre-OS X either. Probably it will even be more correct to speak of actual Macs as "NeXT II" with a Mac emulator in software.

> At least win32 offers backward compatibility.
> . Most crashes are due to things like remote
> control software or bad hardware/drivers.

backward compatibility is a two-edged sword; one side is nice, for the other it increases a lot the complexity (and then possible bugs, etc) of the product. Microsoft might have many defects, but they have lots of very smart people in development and lots of $$. It's just that the effort to maintain backward compatibility is really too great. As you mention - and I agree - must of the problems encountered are caused by bad hw/drivers.

I think all platforms (Win/Macs/LinuxX86/LinuxRISC/Solaris/Aix/HP-UX, VAX/VMS or other) have strong and weak points. Yes, even Windows has some good points (I used to work for Numega where you can probably find some of the people better informed about Windows outside Microsoft). But
I don't object people making informed decisions about other platforms being better than Macs for some situations (maybe even lots of situations), but I do object to things like "all windows is bad", or "all linux is bad" or ...

Oh, and by the way, XP SP2 will break compatibility with several (?) older apps.

> Apple had no interest in the Enterprise.
> Apple had no interest in not breaking third party
> vendors' software.
> At least win32 offers backward compatibility.
> You knew what you were up against.

Well, not 100% true. For example, new WIndows releases typically break some tools; but MS is better in warning third parties in advance, that's true. As for the enterprise, that's more because of myths and marketing than because of real technical problems. Oh, and by the way, if you live in the US you might have your credit reports done in Macs. One of the biggest clients for XServes is a credit reporting company (I don't recall the name) with some 200-300 of them.

> we run over 300 concurrent dedicated sessions
> simultaneously against win32 database instances at
> client sites - and the code ain't exactly lean.

You misunderstood me. I am not "anti-Windows". Especially with 2000 and XP the stability has increased a lot. Hey, WInXP is a great gaming machine! And all OSes have crashes, especially if the hw has problems. Hey, I crashed an IBM mainframe once (ok, it was thanks to an alpha version of an Oracle gateway).

> Macs just plain suck - and on average (no offense
> intended against clueful users, quite the exception
> though) Mac users are the worst on the planet. Its
> like they're so proud that their little device just
> took a crap on the newspaper for the first time.

Yes, I can see you had some problems with Mac users. Unfortunately, I think being clueless is not an exclusive of any platform. And there are "zealots" for all platforms, even for Windows.

> Imagine being stuck in a compatible mode of oracle
> 7.3.2.
> Object types, no.
> BLOB, CLOB, no.
> nested tables, no.
> stuck on LONG, LONG RAW data types, yes.

OK, Oracle has Oracle8 clients that work both in the G5 (I am using it) and in the G4/G3. A 9iR2 dev release RBDMS working in the G4 and it seems that 10g will be production soon. JDeveloper also works in the Mac OS X and Oracle is now asking for beta testers.

So it seems that if you don't upgrade, that's not because of Apple. Trust me, Apple would love to have people upgrading their computers as Dell users do. And if someone is using Mac OS 9, that's like using Win3.1 still. Can you use 10g clients in win3.1?

> Hi. I'm Paul, and I HATE macs.

I am Fernando and I love *nix in particular and computers in general!

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