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RE: Software vendor using additional schemas for testing!

From: Goulet, Dick <>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 10:00:20 -0400
Message-ID: <>


        Thanks for the reformat I was having problems reading the original = message (Outlook, yuck).


        What I believe you need to do is get damanagement to quantify what it = would cost them when the production schema gets trashed. With all of = that data running around in one instance on one computer that will = happen, just a matter of time before someone logs onto the wrong schema. =  I'm also guessing that the 3rd party vendor did a "grant all on all to = public" and/or passed out the production password like candy, which is = something that Sarbanes-Oaxley will NOT look nicely on. Some one may = well get their hand slapped pretty hard since this is financials we're = talking about. You also have the problem that activity in one schema = directly impacts the production schema. Response time can get VERY = slow, competition for rollback space is also a problem, bet they left = only one rollback segment laying around in the system tablespace. Did = they configure a temp space or is that in system as well?? Running = system into the ground like that can cause the database to cease = functioning with some really odd errors. What they should have is = production dedicated on one server with a second server doing all of = this other stuff. If their absolutely bound to retaining one server due = to Oracle licensing issues, recommend a change in OS to Linux. For one = it's cheaper, two it does not need as beefy a piece of hardware, and = three you can more easily run multiple instances thereon so that at = least production & the other stuff can be on separate instances which = adds a nice layer of isolation from data corruption.

Dick Goulet
Senior Oracle DBA
Oracle Certified 8i DBA

-----Original Message-----
From: Robson, Peter [] Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 5:21 AM
Subject: RE: Software vendor using additional schemas for testing!

Management will not understand technical arguements in favour of one = strate=3D
gy or another.

You have to hit them with the issue of data quality, and integrity. The = sys=3D
tem you describe seems to put these factors into question. Bring it down = to=3D
 money - a simplistic approach most management do understand. Consider = the =3D
cost to the organisation of the database going pear-shaped. That's your = bas=3D
e line. Then try and quantify the successive costs of each step towards = you=3D
r perceived best system, with the financial costs of not doing that. = Place =3D
a qualitative assessment of the vulnerablitiy of your present system to = col=3D
lapse (a % figure has impact). Ultimately, you have to make a = cost-assessme=3D
nt of doing / not doing something.=3D20

Whatever else, management will be very aware that if they ignore your = advic=3D
e, and things go wrong, there will be a written document from yourself = havi=3D
ng warned of the situation, which would leave them very exposed. That = can c=3D
oncentrate minds.

Ho Hum - it all seems incredibly elementary, but its not the first time = I h=3D
ave encountered this sort of ostrich-like attitude to database...


> ------------------
> Original message, formatting fixed
> -------------------


> OK guys, need some help and ammunition here, so a bit of background
> first. I'm in my 3rd week in a new job where they are have a=3D20
> 3rd party
> financials app sitting on 8.1.7 on win2k. Software vendor=3D20
> is coming in
> today to make some changes.

> They've never had any in-house DBA skills and have relied=3D20
> solely on 3rd
> parties. No Oracle support contract (I'm working on getting this
> changed!). No DBA contract with 3rd party, only chargeable,=3D20
> ad-hoc work.

> So, they've talked about getting the data in the test/dev databases
> refreshed, far as I can see they only have one database. =3D20
> Turns out they
> have one database with three separate schemas. To refresh data, 3rd
> party has done export/import between the schemas. I've tried=3D20
> explaining
> that this is not ideal and that=3D3D20
> really they need a separate test system, but they don't understand.
> Absolutely no database knowledge in here, and it would seem that even
> the software vendor is lacking in this department. (Just to=3D20
> demonstrate,
> 3 redo log groups, 1 member per group size 1M, all sat in=3D20
> same location,
> 2 copies of controlfile, in same location - get the drift??)

> The work the software vendor is coming in to do is create 6=3D20
> new schemas
> as a way of providing 6 different=3D3D20
> 'staging areas' where copies of the live data can be kept at different
> points in time to help through year end. Once year end is=3D20
> completed they
> think they can use these 'staging areas' for testing enhancements.

> I can't look on Metalink, as no CSI number. I'm about to look at OTN
> and go RTFM's, which I only got today.

> What I would like, and quickly is some strong arguments as to why it
> should not be done this way and alternatives to suggest. I've already
> mentioned creating a dedicated test database. I've so far managed to
> hold off on the software vendor beginning work, but I now need to
> justify this to my manager and to the software vendor.=3D3D20


> Lisa.
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