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Re: Wrapping all tables with packages and scalability

From: Tim Gorman <>
Date: Sun, 02 May 2004 10:39:59 -0600
Message-ID: <>

It's not new. I worked with some folks 12 years ago who designed "CUD" packages in v7.0 PL/SQL. Each package was named "<table-name>_P" and consisted of functions named CREATE_ROW, UPDATE_ROW, and DELETE_ROW. "CUD" was derived from the acronym "CRUD", but the "R" for "Retrieve" in that acronym was missing because Oracle didn't support REF CURSORs in PL/SQL at the time, so "R" was implemented by a layer of database views. Pity the poor lady who was tasked with maintaining this library, as she became known as the "CUD Queen"... :-)

Obviously, the concept of functional abstraction dates back to the origins of programming languages, and if you think about it, the SQL language itself as well as low-level APIs like "dblib()", ODBC, JDBC, and OCI and progamming languages like Fortran, LISP, and C are all implementations of the concept. Otherwise, we'd all still be programming in assembler...

As with SQL et al, success is dependent on acceptance. A good idea doesn't succeed on its own merits -- it must first be socialized.

Anecdotes about possible technical problems in high-end testing shouldn't inhibit adoption of this design strategy, as long as one also considers the potential benefits. For example, one project I worked on (8 yrs ago) used a PL/SQL-based abstraction layer underneath a brand-new custom-built Java application. The developers insisted that this level of abstraction was unnecessary because of how wonderful Java and EJBs were.

As it turned out, for reasons I never cared to understand, the Java code set harder than concrete because any change to any part of the code caused side-effects throughout the entire application, raising an QA-testing situation requiring wholesale regression testing for any change, no matter how minor. It wasn't long before new business requirements forced an enormous change to the underlying data-model, which would not have been feasible if we had not been able to make all data-model changes completely transparent to the concrete super-hardened Java code by modifying the layer of abstracting packages and views without altering the interface.

"Creating tomorrow's legacy applications today, one crisis at a time"

on 5/2/04 9:32 AM, Ryan at wrote:

> I met a guy about 2 months ago who used this design concept. Its basically
> object oriented abstraction in the database. Each table has a package. Each
> package has all the methods that operate on the table(all the SQL). SQL is
> returned with REF Cursors. I know Steve Fuerstein advocates this.
> He was stating that in a high transaction system with a max of about 700
> transactions/second, he was unable to get his parse/execute ratio above 75%.
> He noticed that Oracle did not always use bind variables on the dictionary
> cache elements used by these packages.
> Anyone else notice this? I have not tested it.
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