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Re: Initalization files, etc

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 23:44:25 -0800
Message-ID: <>

On 2003.11.24 01:34, VirVit wrote:
> Hello.
> I'am a newbie in Oracle, so I have some questions to experts :)
> 1) What difference between SPFILE and PFILE?

Big one. It's best described in the concepts manual as well as in the DBA guide. To make long story short, you can modify SPFILE from sqlplus which is not possible with PFILe. SPFILE is "binary" (quotes are here because it's not very binary, just a little), while PFILE is a standard text file.

> 2) Where by default Oracle search these files when instance starts?

In %ORACLE_HOME%\DBS directory.

> 3) Where oracle searches datafiles by default?

Nowhere. It doesn't search them. Locations of the control files are a mandatory parameter in the parameter file (PFILE and SPFILE) and control files contain, among other things, locations of all data, temporary and redo log files.

> 4) Sorry for lame questions :(

No problem. There is plenty of literature available on OTN ( as well as in the bookshops just across the wire, like (Barnes & Noble). Oracle has a site, maintained by the book writer of the year (no, it's not Cary Millsap, it's like NFL, the best team never wins. I have quite a few funny stories about NFL and being dead certain that I know which team will win, but this is not an NFL mailing list). The site is It's maintained by Tom Kyte who answers as many questions as humanly possible. Not all answers are useful, but all are factually correct. The good books to read are probably

1) Oracle9i DBA Handbook by Kevin Loney and Marlene Theriault (don't shoot, Rachel, it's French!)
2) Expert 1-on-1 , Tom Kyte
3) Practical Oracle 8i (one of the best DBA books ever written, even for a beginner, pertinent for version 9i
                                    as well), written by J. Lewis
4) Oracle Administratiion and Management  by M. Ault (don't buy Oracle8i Admin. and Mgmt. as it is obsolete.
                                                                                           the second edition is much better)
There are other good books, which are not, in my opinion, suitable for a beginner.
1) Cary Millsap: Optimizing Oracle Performance (excellent book)
2) Gaja V., Kirti Deshpande, John Kostelac 101 Oracle Performance Tuning (really great book)
3) Guy Harrison Oracle SQL High Performance Tuning

The mandatory parts of the DBA arsenal are also Robert Freeman's RMAN book, Don Burleson's Statspack book and last but least, Andy Duncan, Jared Still: Perl for Oracle DBAs (just for the lovers of the pathologically eclectic rubish lister)

> Oracle, win2k.

It's not your fault. You may want to try with Linux, though.

> --
> Поцелуев Виталий Игоревич (VirVit)
> Oracle 9i DBA beginner
> --
> Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
> --
> Author: VirVit
> Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051
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Mladen Gogala
Oracle DBA
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Mladen Gogala

Fat City Network Services    -- 858-538-5051
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Received on Mon Nov 24 2003 - 01:44:25 CST

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