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RE: OFA myths was Re: BAARF

From: Cary Millsap <>
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 15:49:57 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Oh man... now I see the problem.

Well, IMHO, Kevin's advice is the right advice for the wrong reasons. It's not the OFA.

Thanks, Jacques, for pointing that out.

Cary Millsap
Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd.

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-----Original Message-----
Jacques Kilchoer
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 6:15 PM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Not commenting on the accuracy of the information, but Kevin Loney, in the Oracle8 DBA Handbook (1998), says the following (Chapter 3 Logical Database Layouts), in a section entitled "The Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA)"
"Index segments should not be stored in the same tablespace as their associated tables, since they have a great deal of concurreint I/O during both manipulation and queries. Index segments are also subject to fragmentation due to improper sizing or unpredicted table growth. Isolating the application indexes to a separate tablespace greatly reduces the administrative efforts involved in defragmenting either the DATA or the INDEXES tablespace."

>From reading his book, I always thought that OFA implied the separation
of tables and indexes.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On Behalf Of
> Steve Rospo
> Sent: jeudi, 25. septembre 2003 15:10
> I'd like to get rid of the myth that OFA really states all
> that much about
> what goes in what tablespace etc. I've got a copy of the
> Cary's OFA paper
> entitled "The OFA Standard - Oracle7 for Open Systems" dated Sept 24,
> 1995. (Happy belated birthday OFA!) At the end of paper
> there's a summary
> of the requirements and the recommendations that make up OFA.
> the OFA comes to specifying table/index separation are
> "#7 Separate groups of segments with different lifespans, I/O request
> demands, and backup frequencies among different tablespaces."
> -or maybe-
> "#11 *IF* [emphasis mine] you can afford enough hardware
> that: 1) You can
> guarantee that each disk drive will contain database files
> from exactly
> one application and 2) You can dedicate sufficiently many
> drives to each
> database to ensure that there will be no I/O bottleneck."
> The document itself says, "The OFA Standard is a set of configuration
> guidelines that will give you faster, more reliable Oracle
> database that
> require less work to maintain." So every time I read that someone is
> putting redo here, index tablespaces here, and temp
> tablespaces there in
> order to be "OFA compliant" I kinda shrug. Obviously it's
> all a good idea
> to separate this stuff but it's not absolutely required for OFA-ness.
> Essentially, OFA is just a very good way of separating Oracle
> code from
> Oracle data to make administration *much* easier. I'm sure before OFA
> there were plenty of places that had everything under
> $ORACLE_HOME/dbs and
> no naming standard for datafiles. Ugh!
> Now if we could only find this "Cary V. Millsap, Oracle Corporation"
> character so he could explain himself. ;-) '95 was a
> loooooong time ago.

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Received on Mon Sep 29 2003 - 18:49:57 CDT

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