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Re: sql query optimization

From: Mark Richard <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 20:02:10 -0700
Message-ID: <>


>From what you have said the cost of distinct and the function call
shouldn't be a big deal. I did wonder if you can use to_number with an appropriate mask to avoid the function call but it's probably not even worth bothering.

Simplifying the connect by sub-query will hopefully provide the boost you need. The concatenated index relates to my uncertainty about how Oracle can use them for recursive SQL. I did a simple test - creating the following indexes:

  1. Unique index on child
  2. Non-unique index on parent
  3. Unique index on parent, child
  4. Unique index on child, parent

The table only had a handful of rows but Oracle chose to use index 1 and index 3 for the query instead of index 2. On a table of significant volume (I used to work on very large recursive SQL statements at one point) I would suggest testing the indexing combinations to see what Oracle likes - then remove the rest. Also, the requirements are different if you are traversing the tree in both directions - you seem to only be going down the tree.

Good luck.

                      Guang Mei                                                        
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I just looked:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]> select count(*) from arc where arctype in (2999999,3000000);



This is about 27% of the total rows, so I will test to move them into a new table tomorrow and this should help. I did test each part separatley and timed them and I found that the sub-query is probably the bottle-neck because
"start ... connect by ..." requires walk the whole index to get all possible nodes
(expensive). I can create this new table.

> 2) Consider a concatenated index (perhaps termid, parenttermid or
> parenttermid,termid - too early for my brain to remember without trying)

I don't know why concatenated index would help here, for which part in where clause it would?

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