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pmon timer

From: Kevin Tsay <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 16:49:50 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Dear Lister:

I'm using one of Steve Adams's scripts to break down the components of foreground response time.

I found the pmon timer is taking about 63.59% out of other components. Although some of the tuning documents suggesting ignore this event but it still took a lots of time.

Any thoughts ?



SQL> @response_time_breakdown.sql

MAJOR    MINOR         WAIT_EVENT                                    SECONDS
-------- ------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------
CPU time parsing       n/a                                               304

reloads n/a 600
execution n/a 153134

disk I/O normal I/O    db file sequential read                    5582765477
         full scans    db file scattered read                      352191089
         direct I/O    direct path read                            528732282
                       direct path write                            14689646

direct path write (lob) 7054
other I/O db file parallel read 6502322
control file parallel write 2702081

MAJOR    MINOR         WAIT_EVENT                                    SECONDS
-------- ------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------
disk I/O other I/O     control file single write                     2354364

control file sequential read 2279481
db file single write 226882
log file sequential read 143206
control file heartbeat 40064

waits    DBWn writes   rdbms ipc reply                               1398034

free buffer waits 797265
write complete waits 50271
local write wait 2587
LGWR writes log buffer space 10779368

MAJOR    MINOR         WAIT_EVENT                                    SECONDS
-------- ------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------
waits    LGWR writes   log file switch completion                    1383243

enqueue locks enqueue 5205620
other locks PX Deq Credit: send blkd 126584654
PX Deq Credit: need buffer 22686486
PX qref latch 6746743
buffer busy waits 3070154
latch free 738973
library cache pin 19493
undo segment extension 988
library cache lock 301
library cache load lock 100

MAJOR    MINOR         WAIT_EVENT                                    SECONDS
-------- ------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------
waits    other locks   buffer deadlock                                     1

latency  commits       log file sync                                 7397468

network SQL*Net more data to client 22293948
SQL*Net more data from client 5173274
SQL*Net message to client 340244
SQL*Net break/reset to client 8152
SQL*Net more data to dblink 23
SQL*Net message to dblink 23
process ctl process startup 108286
PX Deq: Signal ACK 100629

MAJOR    MINOR         WAIT_EVENT                                    SECONDS
-------- ------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------
latency  process ctl   PX Deq: Join ACK                                 6684

PX Deq: Msg Fragment 1002
global locks wait for a undo record 9470
misc pmon timer 16780800644 63.59% async disk IO 1981734344 7.51% jobq slave wait 919593160 3.48% switch logfile command 29456
refresh controlfile command 44
reliable message 28
instance state change 2


-- Script:	response_time_breakdown.sql
-- Purpose:	to report the components of foreground response time in % terms
-- For:		8.1.6
-- Copyright:	(c) Ixora Pty Ltd
-- Author:	Steve Adams

column major      format a8
column minor      format a13
column wait_event format a40 trunc
column seconds    format 9999999
column pct        format a6 justify right
break on major skip 1 on minor

  substr(n_major, 3)  major,
  substr(n_minor, 3)  minor,
  round(time/100)  seconds,
  substr(to_char(100 * ratio_to_report(time) over (), '99.00'), 2) || '%'
    select /*+ ordered use_hash(b) */
      '1 CPU time'  n_major,
	'redo size', '2 reloads',
	'parse time cpu', '1 parsing',
	'3 execution'
      )  n_minor,
      'n/a'  wait_event,
	'redo size', nvl(r.time, 0),
	'parse time cpu', t.ksusgstv - nvl(b.time, 0),
	t.ksusgstv - nvl(b.time, 0) - nvl(r.time, 0)
      )  time
      sys.x_$ksusgsta  t,
	select /*+ ordered use_nl(s) */		-- star query: few rows from d and b
	  s.ksusestn,				-- statistic#
	  sum(s.ksusestv)  time			-- time used by backgrounds
	  sys.x_$ksusd  d,			-- statname
	  sys.x_$ksuse  b,			-- session
	  sys.x_$ksbdp  p,			-- background process
	  sys.x_$ksusesta  s			-- sesstat
	  d.ksusdnam in (
	    'parse time cpu',
	    'CPU used when call started') and
	  b.ksspaown = p.ksbdppro and
	  s.ksusestn = d.indx and
	  s.indx = b.indx
	group by
      )  b,
	select /*+ no_merge */
	  ksusgstv *				-- parse cpu time *
	  kglstrld /				-- SQL AREA reloads /
	  greatest(1, kglstget - kglstght)	-- SQL AREA misses
	  sys.x_$kglst  k,
	  sys.x_$ksusgsta  g
	  k.indx = 0 and
	  g.ksusdnam = 'parse time cpu'
      )  r
      t.ksusdnam in (
	'redo size',				-- arbitrary: to get a row to replace
	'parse time cpu',			--   with the 'reload cpu time'
	'CPU used when call started') and
      b.ksusestn (+) = t.indx
    union all
	'1 normal I/O',		'2 disk I/O',
	'2 full scans',		'2 disk I/O',
	'3 direct I/O',		'2 disk I/O',
	'4 BFILE reads',	'2 disk I/O',
	'5 other I/O',		'2 disk I/O',
	'1 DBWn writes',	'3 waits',
	'2 LGWR writes',	'3 waits',
	'3 ARCn writes',	'3 waits',
	'4 enqueue locks',	'3 waits',
	'5 PCM locks',		'3 waits',
	'6 other locks',	'3 waits',
	'1 commits',		'4 latency',
	'2 network',		'4 latency',
	'3 file ops',		'4 latency',
	'4 process ctl',	'4 latency',
	'5 global locks',	'4 latency',
	'6 misc',		'4 latency'
      )  n_major,
	select /*+ ordered use_hash(b) use_nl(d) */
	    					-- disk I/O
	    'db file sequential read',			'1 normal I/O',
	    'db file scattered read',			'2 full scans',
	    'BFILE read',				'4 BFILE reads',
	    'KOLF: Register LFI read',			'4 BFILE reads',
	    'log file sequential read',			'5 other I/O',
	    'log file single write',			'5 other I/O',
						-- resource waits
	    'checkpoint completed',			'1 DBWn writes',
	    'free buffer waits',			'1 DBWn writes',
	    'write complete waits',			'1 DBWn writes',
	    'local write wait',				'1 DBWn writes',
	    'log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)',	'1 DBWn writes',
	    'rdbms ipc reply',				'1 DBWn writes',
	    'log file switch (archiving needed)',	'3 ARCn writes',
	    'enqueue',					'4 enqueue locks',
	    'buffer busy due to global cache',		'5 PCM locks',
	    'global cache cr request',			'5 PCM locks',
	    'global cache lock cleanup',		'5 PCM locks',
	    'global cache lock null to s',		'5 PCM locks',
	    'global cache lock null to x',		'5 PCM locks',
	    'global cache lock s to x',			'5 PCM locks',
	    'lock element cleanup',			'5 PCM locks',
	    'checkpoint range buffer not saved',	'6 other locks',
	    'dupl. cluster key',			'6 other locks',
	    'PX Deq Credit: free buffer',		'6 other locks',
	    'PX Deq Credit: need buffer',		'6 other locks',
	    'PX Deq Credit: send blkd',			'6 other locks',
	    'PX qref latch',				'6 other locks',
	    'Wait for credit - free buffer',		'6 other locks',
	    'Wait for credit - need buffer to send',	'6 other locks',
	    'Wait for credit - send blocked',		'6 other locks',
	    'global cache freelist wait',		'6 other locks',
	    'global cache lock busy',			'6 other locks',
	    'index block split',			'6 other locks',
	    'lock element waits',			'6 other locks',
	    'parallel query qref latch',		'6 other locks',
	    'pipe put',					'6 other locks',
	    'rdbms ipc message block',			'6 other locks',
	    'row cache lock',				'6 other locks',
	    'sort segment request',			'6 other locks',
	    'transaction',				'6 other locks',
	    'unbound tx',				'6 other locks',
						-- routine waits
	    'log file sync',				'1 commits',
	    'name-service call wait',			'2 network',
	    'Test if message present',			'4 process ctl',
	    'process startup',				'4 process ctl',
	    'read SCN lock',				'5 global locks',
	    decode(substr(d.kslednam, 1, instr(d.kslednam, ' ')),
						-- disk I/O
	      'direct ',				'3 direct I/O',
	      'control ',				'5 other I/O',
	      'db ',					'5 other I/O',
						-- resource waits
	      'log ',					'2 LGWR writes',
	      'buffer ',				'6 other locks',
	      'free ',					'6 other locks',
	      'latch ',					'6 other locks',
	      'library ',				'6 other locks',
	      'undo ',					'6 other locks',
						-- routine waits
	      'SQL*Net ',				'2 network',
	      'BFILE ',					'3 file ops',
	      'KOLF: ',					'3 file ops',
	      'file ',					'3 file ops',
	      'KXFQ: ',					'4 process ctl',
	      'KXFX: ',					'4 process ctl',
	      'PX ',					'4 process ctl',
	      'Wait ',					'4 process ctl',
	      'inactive ',				'4 process ctl',
	      'multiple ',				'4 process ctl',
	      'parallel ',				'4 process ctl',
	      'DFS ',					'5 global locks',
	      'batched ',				'5 global locks',
	      'on-going ',				'5 global locks',
	      'global ',				'5 global locks',
	      'wait ',					'5 global locks',
	      'writes ',				'5 global locks',
	      						'6 misc'
	  )  n_minor,
	  d.kslednam  wait_event,		-- event name
	  i.kslestim - nvl(b.time, 0)  time	-- non-background time
	  sys.x_$kslei  i,			-- system events
	    select /*+ ordered use_hash(e) */	-- no fixed index on e
	      e.kslesenm,			-- event number
	      sum(e.kslestim)  time		-- time waited by backgrounds
	      sys.x_$ksuse  s,			-- sessions
	      sys.x_$ksbdp  b,			-- backgrounds
	      sys.x_$ksles  e			-- session events
	      s.ksspaown = b.ksbdppro and	-- background session
	      e.kslessid = s.indx
	    group by
	      sum(e.kslestim) > 0
	  )  b,
	  sys.x_$ksled  d
	  i.kslestim > 0 and
	  b.kslesenm (+) = i.indx and
	  nvl(b.time, 0) < i.kslestim and
	  d.indx = i.indx and
	  d.kslednam not in (
	    'Null event',
	    'KXFQ: Dequeue Range Keys - Slave',
	    'KXFQ: Dequeuing samples',
	    'KXFQ: kxfqdeq - dequeue from specific qref',
	    'KXFQ: kxfqdeq - normal deqeue',
	    'KXFX: Execution Message Dequeue - Slave',
	    'KXFX: Parse Reply Dequeue - Query Coord',
	    'KXFX: Reply Message Dequeue - Query Coord',
	    'PAR RECOV : Dequeue msg - Slave',
	    'PAR RECOV : Wait for reply - Query Coord',
	    'Parallel Query Idle Wait - Slaves',
	    'PL/SQL lock timer',
	    'PX Deq: Execute Reply',
	    'PX Deq: Execution Msg',
	    'PX Deq: Index Merge Execute',
	    'PX Deq: Index Merge Reply',
	    'PX Deq: Par Recov Change Vector',
	    'PX Deq: Par Recov Execute',
	    'PX Deq: Par Recov Reply',
	    'PX Deq: Parse Reply',
	    'PX Deq: Table Q Get Keys',
	    'PX Deq: Table Q Normal',
	    'PX Deq: Table Q Sample',
	    'PX Deq: Table Q qref',
	    'PX Deq: Txn Recovery Reply',
	    'PX Deq: Txn Recovery Start',
	    'PX Deque wait',
	    'PX Idle Wait',
	    'Replication Dequeue',
	    'Replication Dequeue ',
	    'SQL*Net message from client',
	    'SQL*Net message from dblink',
	    'debugger command',
	    'dispatcher timer',
	    'parallel query dequeue wait',
	    'pipe get',
	    'queue messages',
	    'rdbms ipc message',
	    'secondary event',
	    'single-task message',
	    'slave wait',
	    'virtual circuit status'
	  ) and
	  d.kslednam not like 'resmgr:%'
order by
  time desc


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Author: Kevin Tsay

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Received on Tue May 27 2003 - 19:49:50 CDT

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