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Just make sure you carefully choose which "value" to use nulls for. Dave
Ensor's O'Reilly book shows a couple of good examples in which using nulls
the right way can save a lot of space and time.
Cary Millsap
Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd.
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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 2:32 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
I happen to think that "dummying up data" is a BAD idea no matter where it is. True, your program has to handle the nulls, but that sure is better than indexing a pile of spaces or 0's.
Dick Goulet
Senior Oracle DBA
Oracle Certified 8i DBA
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 3:00 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
"dummying data"
I am not sure what is the best way to deal with this and would like a concensus. If this subject has been talked about before I apologize. The issue is nulls or "dummying" data in an OLTP and also in a Data Warehouse.
-I think that an OLTP system should be considered differently than a data
warehouse as it is the source system.
-For the most efficient data warehouses using star schemas, bitmapped
indexes, and dimensions I can't see using nulls working as well (even with
functional indexes) as you can't control how people will access the data
and nulls would invalidate the use of an index - on a large DW this could be
very very bad.
-I have a system where the components of a date can be as important as the
entire date itself. Therefore, where the components of the date are correct
I would keep them and load as part of the date in a date datatype.
Example: February 31, 1999
The concern I have is the month, day, year can all be important depending on the analysis done. So storing these as separate numeric (to cut-down on the junk allowed as input) separately makes sense but would also like to store as date whenever there is date conversion possible. However, what if month and year are correct but day is wrong:
February 31, 1999
-store as missing date in date field (date that actually out of range didn't
exist in history)
-then store as separate numeric fields
-store as date when I can (no missing date)
-store as separate numeric fields
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Author: Cary Millsap
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