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RE: Excessive library cache latch contention

From: Harvey Neil <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 06:54:35 -0800
Message-ID: <>

I've got access to Metalink and the doco you mentioned, but its too generic.

Its a forms application, but the developers are generating dynamic where clauses on blocks, as well as the standard block.item notation in predicates, so there is a degree of literal SQL in the mix, and multiple versions of SQL. I don't believe a larger shared pool will help as there is a good chunk of free space there in v$sgastat.

cursor_sharing=FORCE may be an option, but I'll need to test and observe the results.

The 106 latches we get seem to be in a small number of specific forms, so I'll start with those.

The problem I have is that when looking at open cursors for a session spinning on 106, I get a very long list. Ideally I'd like to pin down the specific cursor or object which its waiting for. I can sort of imply this by checking v$sql based on the hash_value of the session, but I'd like to be a bit more precise.

I've also got another of Steve's scripts (objects_on_hot_latches) which sort of helps, but only really identifies a hot hash bucket, rather than a specific object. From this, I reckon I could do with a larger _kgl_bucket_count, but I'll attack the form specific issues first.



-----Original Message-----

Sent: 31 January 2003 14:40


 Does this application use a lot of literal SQL?  Do the users tend to use the same Appl processes during the peak times?  And do they really complain about poor performance during the peak times?

 The contention could be due to the excessive parsing. Since you are noticing this at all your sites, it sounds like more of a SQL issue. Sharing of cursors, use of bind variables will help.

 Think of increasing SHARED_POOL_SIZE only when all other avenues to reduce this contention have been explored (and rejected). But a large shared_pool_size may worsen this situation.   

 If you have access to Metalink, Note# 1012049.6 (and other notes referenced in there) may be of some help.
 You can also consider use of Statspack, during the peak times (if the version of your database supports Statspack).  

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 5:09 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

We've got about 30 sites all running the same application, and I'm consistently seeing large numbers of 106 (library cache) latch free waits. They tend to happen at peak times during the day, and in the worst case I saw 12 sessions all on a 106 latch free wait event, spread across 3 P1RAW addresses.

Running Steve Adams latch_sleeps scripts, yields the following:

LATCH TYPE                                 IMPACT SLEEP RATE WAITS HOLDING
------------------------------------- ----------- ---------- -------------

library cache                             1281502      0.11%       2399666
cache buffers chains                       273556      0.00%         23049
shared pool                                 73893      0.04%         91633
cache buffers lru chain                     12236      0.01%         70756
session allocation                          10639      0.06%         19969
row cache objects                            7835      0.00%         29816
cache buffer handles                         3646      0.00%          2575
transaction allocation                       2344      0.01%          4341
enqueue hash chains                          1831      0.01%         13722
redo writing                                  778      0.01%         17328
session idle bit                              714      0.00%             0

The results above are from an instance which has been up for 5 days

As you can see, library cache latch has a big impact (though I must admit, I'm not sure what Steve's IMPACT formula actually tells me). When I check across other sites, I see a similar pattern - large numbers of 106 latch misses and sleeps.

I guess what I'd like to know is where these latches are happening, which objects / cursors etc are causing the contention. I've grappled with SQL against x$kglob, trying to join back to the P1RAW but am not getting very far.

Any ideas?

TIA. Neil.


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