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Re: Purging Managed Standby Database Archive Logs

From: Shaleen <>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 19:14:03 -0800
Message-ID: <>

RE: Purging Managed Standby Database Archive LogsFor pre 9i release2 there is following Note on metalink

        Doc ID:  Note:190311.1 
        Subject:  ** How to delete an Operating System file from PL/SQL 

  This uses a java stored procedure


    Hello Steve

    If you are on 9.2 you can use utl_file.fremove directly from the sql.

    Yechiel Adar

      Hi John,

      Keeping things simple sometimes complicates things when they go haywire. I thought about the simple shotgun approach but wanted something a little more robust and I didn't want to risk deleting an archive log that hadn't been applied and then having to go through the hassle of finding in on tape. (We use RMAN on production server and "archivelog all delete input" every night.) A lot of logs could be zapped if the standby got hosed just before a 3-4 day weekend. I want to avoid having to rebuild the standby but I don't want to keep multiple days worth of logs around either. I just want to remove the logs that are no longer needed and the archive info is in the data dictionary views so why not use it?

      Well after waiting on the list a while nobody did my job for me so I got busy and rolled my own...   :-) 

# File: ... Steve Orr, 12/12/2002
# Purpose: Purge standby database archive logs which have been applied.
ORAUBIN="/u01/app/oracle/bin" SEQ_FILE="$ORAUBIN/last_purged_seqno.txt" LAST_PURGED_SEQ=`cat ${SEQ_FILE}` getAppliedLogs() { sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba" @$ORAUBIN/login.sql <<EOSQL set feed off pages 0 echo off wra off select sequence#, trim(name) from v\$archived_log where sequence# > $LAST_PURGED_SEQ and archived='YES' order by sequence# ; exit EOSQL } getAppliedLogs | while read SEQNO FNAME do echo "Removing file $FNAME" echo $SEQNO > $SEQ_FILE if [ -f $FNAME ]; then rm $FNAME fi done ---------------------------------------------------------------------- seems to work and I wasn't in a PERLescent mood. Steve Orr Bozeman, Montana -----Original Message----- From: John Carlson [mailto:jcarlson_at_CJ.COM] Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 10:19 AM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: Re: Purging Managed Standby Database Archive Logs Keep it simple. If you are on unix put this in your crontab. 30 * * * * find /archive/oradata/YOURSID -type f -name "1_*.arc" -mtime +0 -exec rm -f {} \; This will run every hour on the half hour and purge everything over 24 hours old. Modify as you like. (-mtime +1 gives you 48 hours) Yes, I know this could delete files that haven't been applied but I figure if your standby is 24 hours behind, it will need to be re-established anyway. HTH, John >>> 12/12/02 08:04AM >>> Any one have a ready-made routine to purge the unneeded archives which have been automagically applied to a managed standby database? I figure it needs to: 1. Query v$archived_log and v$log_history to get a list of the archive logs (v$ where sequence# > [the max number you purged the last time]; 2. Cycle through the above list and remove the files; 3. Record the max(sequence#) from v$log_history for the next purge. Any other ideas/suggestions? AtDhVaAnNkCsE!!! Steve Orr Standing by in Bozeman, Montana -- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: John Carlson INET: jcarlson_at_CJ.COM
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Shaleen

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Received on Mon Dec 16 2002 - 21:14:03 CST

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