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RE: patch backout

From: <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 01:58:23 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Managing patches with Oracle Applications is always a difficult task. The various sites I have worked on seem to have the same general policy  

  1. Do not apply a patch unless absolutely necessary. A lot depends on the type of patch, ie a simple fix is different from a big patch that can have all sorts of implications.
  2. Try and apply a megapatch or patchset wherever possible.
  3. Also test beforehand. Invariably a copy of the database at the same level is kept and a patchset will be applied and user testing will take place. Focuse especially on areas that have been customised.
  4. Proper testing requires extensive user involvement. This is costly and has to be well planned. That is why applying a megapatch takes a bit of planning. It is also why it is easier to justify the cost and work involved if a number of issues are going to be addressed at the same time.
  5. Minor, single issues patches can be applied (after testing of course) where the risk of failure is small. The best way is to ensure that you have a clean backup prior to application of the patch and therefore a good point to recover to.

HTH   John  

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 23 September 2002 22:53
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Hi List ,
What strategy you guys adapt for rolling back a database patch ( I am talking about application patch not the oracle software patch ) . For example if some table updates or some stored procs are going in .. how you guys backout patch if something doesn't work after the patch . I was thinking of taking export before applying patch and keeping it but that will be time consuming ..considering data . Other strategy might be for each ddl there should be an undo ddl and for each dml there should be an undo dml . but that's complicates the life considering number of changes that might go in patch . Any other ideas ??  



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