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RE: Misinformation Ranting

From: <>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 13:37:18 -0700
Message-Id: <>


Your SAP administrator apparently hasn't read up on all the documentation that SAP provides on this topic. I assume she it not a DBA. About the only thing that SAP docs will do is encourage reorganizing fragmented indexes. And if for some reason you don't know how to identify fragmented indexes, they will show you how.

Unfortunately, there are people floating around who can say they are "SAP certified in Oracle on Unix" but don't actually know much about Oracle. I actually interviewed a consultant who claimed to have such a certificate who had no idea what an "SGA" was. One of the questions I ask in an interview is something like "is it really necessary to reorganize" and "how do you decide this?"...just to see what kind of a reaction I get...

Kip Bryant


|I've just spent 30 minutes with our SAP administrator trying to
|convince her that we really don't need to reorganize the tables
|in our production SAP database.

|Due to some misinformation in an Oracle Press book, 'Oracle Unleashed'
|I think, she is equating number of extents with fragmentation.

|The text she referred me to is in fact discussing 'migrated rows' though
|that term is never used. She has become convinced that if the
|extents allocated for tables are not all in contigous space, some
|very nasty fragmentation will occur.

|I tried taking it down to disk and explaining that an OLTP system with
|hundreds of users won't really see much benefit from this, but she
|wasn't really ready for that. :)

|Her concern is that there are 29000 extents in an index tablespace.
|This might have something to do with there being 3400 indexes in
|said tablespace.

|Total 'wasted' ( honeycomb ) space in this 250 gig DB is < 20 meg. Not
|much to gain there.

|The text of the book states that you should expect a '10 to 20 percent
|performance increase' by reorganizing the tables/indexes. No data to
|back it up of course.

|This is on a database that performs very well most of the time, outside
|of a couple of custom reports that run too long. No complaints from
|users about slowness.


|I just had to vent to the list, cuz there's no one here that understands.



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Received on Tue Sep 10 2002 - 15:37:18 CDT

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