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RE: Free Buffer Waits

From: Jack van Zanen <nlzanen1_at_EY.NL>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 01:18:25 -0800
Message-ID: <>


I have the book from Gaja & friends already, it's good THX. I could trace with evnt 10046 but it won't reproduce anymore, everything is peachy again (?)
Backups run every night (cold) and are used for cloning to test twice a week.
I would look at all the views you suggest if I could only have it happen again (but I'd be happy if it doesn't).

The fact that nothing changed to the oracle environment and still see a change in behaviour also puzzled me.
I'm sure nothing happened because there is only two DBA's here and my colleague was on leave for three weeks so I'm the only one with access to production and have some privileges to do something. (developers can only look at the production data because they also support the app)

Competing for resources may be a valid point but I can not find more than one session on for the majority of the time (in the end users start coming in)
and in short this session was doing a drop temp table, create temp table, open two cursors, manipulate the data from the cursors (in sequence) and fill a table with the data, close the cursors and ultimately drop the temp table. Don't see much competing for the same block there

So I thank everybody that replied with suggestions and will check all of it when it becomes reproducable.


                      "Johnson, Michael "                                                                                                   
                      <Michael.Johnson_at_oln-a        To:       Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>                   
            >                   cc:       (bcc: Jack van Zanen/nlzanen1/External/MEY/NL)                                
                      Sent by:                      Subject:  RE: Free Buffer Waits                                                         
                      19-06-2002 00:09                                                                                                      
                      Please respond to                                                                                                     

Obviously, you have something in your system competing for resources. There are multiple sessions requesting the same block. Everything seemed to run fine and now all of a sudden things dont work , but nothing new has been introduced into the system. How can this be ? Perhaps you have other problems that have been created in the system in the last few days that wont be seen until your backups are run.

It appears you are going to have to reproduce what you see and log certain events while the bottleneck is happening. I would set an event 10046 and comb through there ... I would also try to look at v$session_wait which will show the file#, clock# and id ( where id represents the status of the buffer busy wait event ).

I would also buy Gaja Krishna Vaidyanatha and Kirti Deshpande's book "Oracle Performance Tuning 101" as it has been a big help to me. Other things you might find helpful would be which goes into great detail on the 10046 event trace and they also have an excellent clinic I just went too.

Good Luck and Peace !


-----Original Message-----

Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 12:43 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L


I came in early morning and saw the batch job had been taking forever. I immediately checked v$system_event (the job that took so long had just finished so session_wait was no longer option). Since we shutdown and backup our database every night the figure presented here was basically since the batch job started because that starts right after startup. So basically the system (with no other logins as per listener.ora file). had been waiting about 6-7 hours since startup on free buffer waits.

We did not introduce any other jobs to the batch and it has been running normally since that one time strange behaviour.

No logging of any hardware/software error was found on UNIX nor Symmetrix nor Oracle so we have given up for now.


                      "Johnson, Michael "

                      <Michael.Johnson_at_oln-a        To:       Multiple
recipients of list ORACLE-L <>
            >                   cc:       (bcc: Jack
                      Sent by:                      Subject:  RE: Free
Buffer Waits

                      17-06-2002 19:28

                      Please respond to


Just a couple questions .....

Did you introduce any new batch jobs into the system or any other interactive jobs that may have been running at the same time ?

How do you know that the Buffer Wait event was the top wait event and how did you see this ? eg. are you taking a time slice and loggin it at certain time into a 10046 trace ,etc.


-----Original Message-----

Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 2:04 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Hi All,

We have a production database that has a batch job running on it for months now. Last night one part of the batch job that normally takes between 20-30 minutes took well over 6 hours.
The only difference I can see between today & other days is that the Free Buffer Wait event was the top wait event, which it not normally is (not even top 10)

This database goes down every night for backup and this is the timings I got.

Total waits:22055
Total timeouts:22052
Time waited: 2225285 (is this ms or cs?) Avg.wait:100.8971

This whole thing puzzles me a bit since nothing changed to the database and nothing was in the Alert log. Also system was virtually idle during the 6 hours (no activity according to UNIX boys)

I was sound asleep when this happened so I don't have much more than this info.

Can anybody explain why this could have happened or point me to some documents that can. Standard answer you'll find that your DBWR can't keep up, but I have 4 of them and the sytem was idle.


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Author: Jack van Zanen
  INET: nlzanen1_at_EY.NL

Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
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Author: Jack van Zanen
  INET: nlzanen1_at_EY.NL

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Author: Jack van Zanen
  INET: nlzanen1_at_EY.NL

Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
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