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RE: Statistical sampling and representative stats collection

From: Terrian, Tom <>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 11:55:21 -0800
Message-ID: <>


I know in a previous job, we determined that histograms where not worth it. The following is from a test that we performed:

Table-	F_tab		Uniform Distribution	Max Distribution
Field-	P_code		0.65%			18%

Therefore, from the above numbers, the field should be a good candidate for histograms so I did the following tests. Based on the following combinations of statistics and histograms, I timed how fast a sample query ran:

		w/o stats	w/ stats		w/stats	w/stats
P_Code			no histograms	100 buckets	50 buckets
----------	----------	----------		----------
0101		342 secs.	428			385		500	
0101		406		416			326		340
0101		391		390			327		359
6501		458		490			337		342
6501		475		380			358		490
6501		518		395			326		354
----------	---------	----------		----------
Total Secs.	1730		1629			1348		2085

(w/o high
 and low
Avg time 7Min 12Sec 6Min 47Sec 5Min 37Sec 5Min 51Sec
 per run

        However, to create the histogram it takes 1hr42min. Too long for the benefit that we gain.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 3:25 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L


> John are you saying to create histograms on all indexed
> columns, or just the ones with distributions which are skewed
> and also for ones which although symmetric in distribution
> have some values much more prevalent than others?

To keep this simplistic, I wouldn't use Histograms (or let it default to 2) *unless* hardcoded values are known to be used, at least in 8i. The situation becomes different in 9i as the CBO is able to peek into these values even when bind variables are used. (I think there is a script out there on Steve Adam's site called 'Histogram Helper' which can suggest this for you).

However, as Larry mentioned in a previous email, the CBO is influenced by distributions in non-indexed colummns. The issue here is that the number of buckets really matter, and the default of 2 can influence incorrect decisions (haven't we all seen 'em? :) So what I am essentially saying is this: Use COMPUTE and Histograms when you have to, but don't sweat over it unless it pinches ya.

And how do we determine it is pinching? V$SYSSTAT is a pretty good indicator: (At the risk of being called a part of the 'ratios' group) Is the ratio of 'table scan blocks gotten' to 'table scan rows gotten' acceptable? Is the number of table scans acceptable? Is the number of 'db block gets' too much - as compared to 'physical reads'?

I am in the process of determining the overheads of having 'too many' histograms - I am observing some 'row cache lock' latch waits and think that this could have been the result of too many histograms. Hope to post some info back to the list soon.

John Kanagaraj
Oracle Applications DBA
DBSoft Inc
(W): 408-970-7002

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Author: Terrian, Tom

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Received on Tue May 28 2002 - 14:55:21 CDT

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