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Yesterday while on a search for inefficient SQL I developed the following SQL; which did a decent job of highlighting 1 - 2 dozen SQL statements that were HIGHLY inefficient. The goal was to identify the SQL that did a "lot" of buffer_gets (> 2000000); that ran "frequently" (> 100 times); that only returned a "few" number of rows (1-2 per execution) and that did "many" (> 1000) buffer_gets for each execution. You should adjust these criteria to better match your own application & environment.
select disk_reads, buffer_gets, rows_processed, executions, (buffer_gets/executions)
ratio, sql_text
from v$sql
where buffer_gets > 2000000 and executions > 100 and executions*2 > rows_processed
Alternatively this SQL can be order by 5
We are in the process of adding indexes that hopefully will GREATLY increase the selectivity of the SQL, rather than doing cartesian joins across tables.
Charlie Mengler Maintenance Warehouse 10641 Scripps Summit Ct. 858-831-2229 San Diego, CA 92131 United WE Stand! Justice WILL Be Served!
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