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split file from UNIX or SQL

From: Helen rwulfjeq <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 11:14:35 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Hello,   Being not a UNIX expert, I'm write unix & SQL scripts to generate report. But have difficulty to split the file according the report ID. I'm wondering IF UNIX (sh script) can split a big text file into several different files according to a certain field (from posX to posY), when that field is not in sequence, but from rowA to rowB will be exactly the same. ie: check text file, if from rowA to rowB, when posX-posY are equal, generate report AB; if from rowC to rowD, when posX-posY are equal, generate report CD; .... Here are more info:
I have a table to store report request info from user, like this: REPORT_ID  DI PL BUI FL ROOM---------- -- -- --- -- ------REPORT 1   RC SF DAL ndREPORT 2   AD LEREPORT 3   RC DD LKF 01 RENTALREPORT 4   *REPORT 5   CSREPORT 6   *  DD LKF 01 RENTALREPORT 7   RC DD LKF 01 ABCDEREPORT 8   AB AC LKF 01 After I do error checking and then run the query against DB, I can get a huge temp table to store info, like this: REPORT_ID  KOMP_IDENT----------                ----------REPORT 1   C-773280558REPORT 1   C-773281754REPORT 1   C-773281755REPORT 1   C-773281753REPORT 3   C-0773280100REPORT 8   C-063444REPORT 8   C-063442 Due to invalid records, certain report ID are throw away during the query, therefore nothing in my temp table are in sequence. How could I spool out the file according to group by the report ID?? Maybe this can be done in SQL script but I just running out of my brain for this complex report. (I'm not doing it in Dynamic SQL). Thanks for advise
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