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RE: On-Call - terms, conidtions and perks!

From: Chandini Paterson <>
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2001 03:50:41 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Hi Sean,
  In my last job, I was required to do on-call. The way it would work was we would have a rota made up once in 2 weeks. There were about 10-12 of us who would share the on-call. Depending on when your rota was, it could be between 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. the next day on a week day. But if you got stuck with a rota for the weekend, then you were on-call between 8 a.m. on Sat to 8 a.m. on Monday.
  We were given laptops for remote dial-up and also security cards for passwords. On getting a call, we would try and solve the problem at home. However sometimes (very rarely) it was not possible to solve it right away, perhaps because it required code change or it was a database problem or stuff like that. Then we would just leave it till the next day and work on it when we got to work.
  As for benefits, we got paid about £9/hr when we were on-call and £50/hr if we got called out. So benefits-wise it wasn't bad at all :-))   HTH,
Chandini Paterson

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 08 February 2001 10:41
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Hi Folks,

Our company has inidicated it's heading for 24 x 7 operation. So informal talks are taking place about the new "challenges" this brings regarding having staff on call to support IT systems. I would very much appreciate your feedback if you are in an on-call environment as to what the terms, conditions, and perks (if any) you get for same. Some specific information I'm looking for is:
- How frequently are you on-call and for how long and to cover what hours.
e.g. one week a month from 22:00 - 06:00.
- What tools are you given to support this process. e.g. pager, laptop for
remote dial-in, cell phone.
- Whats the procedure if you "get the call". Do you dial in initially to
try to resolve, that failing go on site, in other   words the escalation process
- What renumeration or other benefits do you get for being on call.

I'll treat any replies where requested with strict confidentiality.

Sean :)

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Received on Thu Feb 08 2001 - 05:50:41 CST

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