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RE: PL/SQL coding style

From: Kent Wayson <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 16:30:10 -0600
Message-Id: <>

Take out the 'n' - it's Feuerstein and he's written Oracle books for O'Reilly, including Oracle PL/SQL Programming, Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming with Packages, and Oracle Built-in Packages.

Interview at and small bio at


At 02:11 PM 1/18/01 -0800, you wrote:




you say " Give him Feuernstein's book. " what book do you mean? I can't seem to find a book by such an author on my usual search engine. Amazon gives me '1354 total matches for "bernstein" ' when I do a search on 'Feuernstein'




<fontfamily><param>Tahoma</param>-----Original Message-----

<bold>From:</bold> []<bold>On
Behalf Of </bold>Koivu, Lisa

<bold>Sent:</bold> Thursday, January 18, 2001 10:17 AM

<bold>To:</bold> Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

<bold>Subject:</bold> RE: PL/SQL coding style



GOTOS are ABSOLUTE VOODOO. He thinks that SELECT INTO is more readable, how readable is a GOTO?? It ISN'T. Good style also involves writing code that does not involve UNNECESSARY PROCESSING.

Give him Feuernstein's book. That's correct style in my opinion that is not recreating the wheel and utilizing all that PL/SQL does for you.

I almost liken not using exception handling to not using the classes that are given to you in java.

But seriously, I've been in the same position. Being the dba, all code that is compiled into the database is my responsibility. When I came here, I screamed bloody murder because exceptions weren't being used, the sqlcode was being passed all over the place instead. I insisted on changes to the standards document to enforce use of exceptions plus educated some of the developers on how to use them. The bottom line is, if you support it, then you give the final yay or nay for the code.

Of course, you could be direct and just tell him to pull his head out.

HTH Lisa

-----Original Message-----

From: Chandini Paterson

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 11:02 AM

To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Subject: PL/SQL coding style

Hi gurus,

  I've just changed jobs quite recently and am already having problems with

my Senior Developer (yippee)

  It concerns the PL/SQL coding style. The guy insists that I use 'SELECT ..INTO ' in my code rather than explicit cursors, even though I tried

telling him it is more efficient with the latter. He apparently finds it

more 'readable' with the 'SELECT.. INTO ' and says that the double fetch

(for each row) is 'no big deal'.

  Also, he insists of using a lot of GOTOs in his code and expects me to do

the same. I am adamant that we use EXCEPTION handlers to achieve the same

thing (BAsically he checks for error conditions in his code and then does a

'goto error_handler' to handle the error!!!). I prefer using EXCEPTIONS to

handle all my error conditions.

  I was just wondering if my concepts are all wrong at this time. I am just

curious to know if any of you find his way of coding style preferable to

mine. (OH, by the way, he was initially a 'C' progrmmer). Any inputs will

be greatly appreciated.




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