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RE: Could only connect via SVRMGR

From: Boivin, Patrice J <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 16:12:42 -0400
Message-Id: <>

Are you running out of memory on your NT server? Maybe there isn't = enough
memory left to spawn a new connection. Check Peak Commit Charge and = compare
with available memory.

Did you reach the license / users limit for that database?

Are you using MTS? It's buggy for Oracle7, I think. Try putting = (server =3D
dedicated) in your tnsnames.ora file entry for that database and see if = you
can connect.

Is your listener configured properly to accept connections from your = network
protocol (probably TCP/IP) ?

Just a few thoughts.

Patrice Boivin
Systems Analyst (Oracle Certified DBA)

Systems Admin & Operations | Admin. et Exploit. des syst=E8mes
Technology Services        | Services technologiques
Informatics Branch         | Direction de l'informatique=20
Maritimes Region, DFO      | R=E9gion des Maritimes, MPO

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	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Michael Ray []
	Sent:	Wednesday, January 10, 2001 2:00 PM
	To:	Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
	Subject:	RE: Could only connect via SVRMGR

	No errors anywhere to be found. Listener log showed a connection
being made.
	Michael Ray
	Oracle DBA
	TRW, Marshall, IL
	217-826-3011 x2438

>>> 01/10/01 11:05AM >>>
Where there any errors in the alert log? Its always the first place I look. Check where you actually put the alert log but there is a bug in Oracle that causes ORA-600 errors to also be logged in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log. Sometimes they only occur in there. This is in quite a few versions of Oracle, that one included. -----Original Message----- Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 8:15 AM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Had fun this morning where our most critical plant database would not allow new connections, but those already in were running just fine. I had a similar issue a couple months ago where moving the tnsnames file into the BIN directory solved the problem (I still don't know why!), but that wasn't the case this time. I could tnsping the db but SQLPlus would hang from my desk. From the server, I could connect internal via svrmgr, but SQLPlus would still just hang using sys. I ended up crossing my fingers and bouncing the db, which worked thank goodness. NT4 running 7.3.4 (I know, I know).
Received on Wed Jan 10 2001 - 14:12:42 CST

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