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From: <>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 09:40:35 -0500
Message-Id: <>

uh-uh - > I actually remember seeing the post. Didn't read the OCP signature though. Could have been someone working on a different platform maybe?

Not sure. Either way, I feel the the OCP versus Experience topic is getting pretty mute. I mean really, it depends on the person. There are some people who can read a book and build a nuclear bomb perfectly, while some people can't even get through a course.

The bottom line? CAN THE PERSON FUNCTION as a dba and what is the SCOPE of their skills. Period. The OCP is helpful to some, not to others. I use it to FOCUS my study of Oracle. But as with everything, some people abuse it. So, the solution? Better in depth interviews! This whole issue is like the standardized testing debate. You with NEVER get consensus.

But the original posting (which I thought was adirmable) had nothing to do with debating of the OCP, but only some guy wanting to pool together the knowledge of this group in order to provide us with a website that could be a benefical resource to US. Period.

But instead of posting ideas on what would provide with good resources, we have been going in the OCP circle. I say FORGET about it already! With all the thoughts and posts about the subject we could have given this guy some great input to give us all what we DO need - a resource site that doesn't focus on just passing the darn tests, but provide us with maybe workshops too to allow people to do in depth study on the exam topics.

Come on guys - we are all sitting here complaining, but not doing anything about it. What is lacking in the exams - EXPERIENCE. How can we fix that for people? Help this guy create a site with a bank of workshops and HANDS-ON examples and labs. Because I tell you, if I take something home to my home lab, I guarantee you, I will try every little detail and every method until I have a thorough understanding of both procedure AND theory.

Ok, ok, ok.... ready for the flames - ouch!

I must have REALLY gotten up on the wrong side of the bed today.

Apologize for stomping on any toes in advance - just getting frustrated.

SHAIBAL TALUKDER <> on 12/06/2000 07:41:35 AM

Please respond to

To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <> cc:
Subject: RE: FreeOCP

 Come on Rachel, this comment is a little overblown, I don't believe that some one who is a OCP DBA does not know how to shut down a database. These are things some one learns or should learn when they think about being a DBA. I am sure this topics are well covered in OCP exams. The fact is somebody likes to get certified and some people do not. Some body like institution and some do not. It is always a choice and everybody should respect either stand. Exceptions are on both the side.

Convergys Corporation Received on Wed Dec 06 2000 - 08:40:35 CST

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