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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Backup & Recovery Scenario..
Dear lister,
This is my second mail today. Right now I am doing backup & recovery testing. Suppose I have database condition like this:
1. Full backup of database (cold backup) and copy to tape 2. Create table A and insert records 3. Create table B and insert records 4. Hot backup of database 5. Drop table A
And after the 5th condition, I do the backup & recovery testing with several
scenarios. So, recovery will be taken from condition no 4.
What I want to know is can we recover from the 1st condition again ? If yes, can
I just
1. shutdown the database
2. copy the datafiles, controlfile, initfile, password file from tape to the
original location
3. startup the database again ?
I am using Windows NT 4.0 and Oracle 8.0.5. Forgive me for my 'beginner' question. Thank you.
Regards, Received on Tue Aug 29 2000 - 03:56:34 CDT