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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Data conversion
Thanks for the response, I am planning on transferring documents that are=
larger than the 32K bytes which is the SQL*Loader limit. I was wondering=
Lotus Notes have the ability to insert large data fields into BLOB or CLO=
Thanks again
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From: "Larry G. Elkins" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 19:11:54 -0500
Subject: RE: Data conversion
There are numerous ways to get Notes data into an Oracle database. What =
route you want to take depends upon a number of factors. It has been a wh=
since I have had to do any Notes to Oracle or vice versa type of stuff; s=
some things may have changed.
You can do it directly using products such as NotesPump, or, other 3rd pa=
products. You can write LotusScript programs to directly read the Notes d=
and insert into Oracle, or, you can export the data from Notes and use
SQL*Loader to blow in the data. This is not an exhaustive list of the way=
s to
accomplish this.
For example, when faced with a one time transfer, I selected the Notes Vi=
that contained the data and exported it to a flat file and used SQL*Loade=
r to
load it in. It's been a while; but, I think you could also export it out =
to a
1-2-3 spreadsheet, which was one easy step away from creating a csv file.=
times we used the Notes ODBC driver to access the data and create a file =
-- maybe connecting to the Notes database from MS Acess, bringing in the dat= a, saving off to a csv format file, and then using SQL*Loader to load the da= ta. In one case where the transfer needed to be recurring and they didn't wan= t to buy an additional product, I wrote a LotusScript program (various ones actually using LS:DO, or pure ODBC, or OracleLSX). Even though I wasn't a= Notes programmer, through the on-line help examples and some examples at = the Lotus support site, I was able to get something done in about a day (a re= al Notes programmer would probably have a field day laughing at my code; but= , it got the job done). Considering I'm not a Notes programmer and I got in go= ing in a day, it obviously wasn't that tough. If this is a one time conversion of application and its data, maybe they = are migrating the app to Oracle, you might just want to dump all the data to = files and use SQL*Loader. With all that said, I still had to create the appropr= iate table(s) on the Oracle side, or, insert/update existing tables. Back whe= n I did this 4 or 5 years ago, it wasn't like there was some tool that would automatically create the Oracle structures and migrate the data. Maybe t= here is now. Anyway, I've just barely touched on the surface here. The bottom line is = that it is not that difficult to get the Notes data out to a flat file from wh= ich point it isn't very tough to then use SQL*Loader to load the data. For yo= ur purposes, you might need an approach that does a direct transfer allowing= Notes and Oracle to communicate. Once again, it wasn't real difficult to = do the coding. Or, if this is an ongoing need to migrate data, maybe you get= something like Notespump or some other 3rd party product that prevents yo= u from having to do the coding all. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line. I don't know how = much help I can be; but, there were lots of times I had to get data from one i= nto the other. Regards, Larry G. Elkins The Elkins Organization Inc. 214.954.1781 ____________________________________________________________________ Get free email and a permanent address at ------------------------------ From: Jared Still <> Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 08:16:51 -0700 (PDT) Subject: RE: locking issues Kevin, Did you take a look at 'DEADLOCKS' in the Oracle Concepts Manual? There's info there on avoiding them. I bring this up because I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread. The order that locks are taken out can be a cause of deadlocks. Jared On Tue, 8 Aug 2000, Toepke, Kevin M wrote:Received on Fri Aug 11 2000 - 10:11:18 CDT
> Yes. Bitmap indexes are locked whenever any row that the bitmap points to is
> locked -- which could mean 1000s of rows are locked whenever 1 row is
> updated!
> And, yes. This was part of the original problem. When we dropped the bitmap
> index, we still got deadlocking -- until I rewrote the code to clean up the
> logic.
> Kevin
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jamadagni, Rajendra []
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 12:33 PM
> > To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> > Subject: RE: locking issues
> >
> >
> > Isn't it true that Bitmap indexes lock more than necessary
> > rows ? I mean if
> > you are updating only one row, when bitmap index gets
> > updated, it locks all
> > the rows that are in the same (index) data block. Could this
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