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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RMAN question...spool command
Dear list,
Could someone tell me how to spool to a file, the output of rman script. Spool command is not working. Is there any command that I can use to spool the output of the following RMAN script. Iam on HP-UX 11.0 Oracle8.1.5.
run {
allocate channel d1 type disk;
setlimit channel d1 kbytes 2048000 maxopenfiles 10 readrate 200;
incremental level 0 filesperset 10 format '/u01/oracle/rtest_bkup/%d_L0_%t_%s_%p' database;
Any help is appreciated.
-- Janardhana Babu
Received on Wed Aug 02 2000 - 12:40:12 CDT