Please help me to tune this query
SELECT DISTINCT a.trx_reference_id, a.transaction_id, a.cur_trx_history_id, a.reference_id,
a.transaction_type, a.transaction_subtype, a.status, a.legal_id,
a.limit_profile_id, a.legal_name AS lname, a.customer_name AS cname,
a.customer_id, a.transaction_date, a.trx_origin_country, b.user_state,
b.user_trx_type, c.llp_bca_ref_appr_date, c.cms_orig_country,
c.cms_bca_create_date, d.country_name, sp.lsp_id, mp.lmp_le_id,
sp.lsp_short_name AS customer_name, mp.lmp_long_name AS legal_name,
UPPER (mp.lmp_long_name) AS upper_legal_name,
a.deal_no, ' ' AS task_flag
cms_trx_totrack b,
sci_lsp_lmt_profile c,
country d,
sci_le_sub_profile sp,
sci_le_main_profile mp,
sci_lsp_appr_lmts l
WHERE sp.cms_le_main_profile_id = mp.cms_le_main_profile_id(+)
AND a.customer_id = sp.cms_le_sub_profile_id(+)
AND l.cms_limit_status != 'DELETED'
AND a.transaction_type = b.transaction_type
AND a.status = b.curr_state
AND (a.from_state = b.from_state OR b.from_state IS NULL)
AND (a.transaction_subtype = b.transaction_subtype OR b.transaction_subtype IS NULL )
AND c.cms_lsp_lmt_profile_id = l.cms_limit_profile_id
AND c.cms_lsp_lmt_profile_id = a.limit_profile_id
AND c.cms_orig_country = d.country_iso_code
AND c.cms_orig_country IN ('SG')
AND c.cms_bca_complete_ind != 'Y'
AND (c.cms_orig_organisation IN ('SG') OR l.cms_bkg_organisation IN ('SCBL') )
AND a.transaction_type IN ('LIMIT')
AND a.status = 'ACTIVE'
AND mp.lmp_sgmnt_code_value IN ('A','B')
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