This must be a basic thing...
I'm new to JDeveloper and Struts. I've just started working on a project whose development is almost complete. I get this error when running the project through Debug:
404 Not Found
JSP Error:
Request URI:/ExtranetFrontOffice/ext_homepage_admin.jsp
Exception: C:\Projects\CTT\Extranet_Downgrade\FrontOffice\public_html\ext_homepage_admin.jsp (The system cannot find the file specified.
This error didn't happen before; it started showing after a Rebuild I've done. I'm not sure if I've changed something inadvertedly.
I don't have the file mentioned in the error message:
but I have the following:
This matches the configuration in the struts-config.xml:
<action path="/ext_homepage" type="....">
<forward name="success" path="/ext_homepage.jsp"/>
<forward name="successComercial" path="/ext_homepage_comercial.jsp"/>
<forward name="successAdmin" path="/ext_homepage_admin.jsp"/>
and in the tiles-config.xml:
<definition name="ext_homepage_admin" extends="TemplateBase">
<put name="body" value="/WEB-INF/tiles/homepage/bodyHomepageAdmin.jsp"/>
What could be wrong?