In my report which is based on the following query
select * from emp
where deptno=:p_deptno
This will create a parameter p_deptno and I am not specifying any initial value for this.so when the report is run P_deptno will prompt to enter the deptno value for the Query where clause.If i don't specify any value in the p_deptno then my report will show no records in the report.If i specify 20 as p_deptno value then my report will show only employees from 20 deptno. Now I would like to know how to display all the emp table values even if i don't specify any value for p_deptno i.e., now my query should work as select * from emp if i don't speify p_deptno.
(remember I am not specifying the initial value for p_deptno parameter).
Any help will be highly appreciated.