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RANK: Selecting the sum of the top n highest values, only n values max [message #155597] Tue, 17 January 2006 10:22 Go to next message
Messages: 24
Registered: November 2005
Location: Netherlands
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Assume the following data in table T

A| B
A 20
B 21
C 22
D 19
E 19
F 19

I want to have a sum of the 4 highest values in the table. If there are more values that rank 1,2,3 or 4, just take the the sum of the 4 highest but no more than 4 in total.

So I would want to have a result like: 19+20+21+22 = 82
and not: 19+19+19+20+21+22 = ....

Would the data look like this:
A 20
B 21
C 21
D 22
E 19
F 19

Then I would want it to be 20+21+21+22 = 84.

both rank and dense rank do not rule out the possibility that more than 4 values end up with a rank <5 (e.g. 1,2,3,3,5)

How to do this... something with distinct?


PS I did a search on 'RANK' in this forum and havent found anything about this...

[Updated on: Tue, 17 January 2006 10:41]

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Re: RANK: Selecting the sum of the top n highest values, only n values max [message #155600 is a reply to message #155597] Tue, 17 January 2006 10:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 24
Registered: November 2005
Location: Netherlands
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I just found something, in a thread here:

select * from (select * from emp order by sal desc) where rownum <=5

however, is this efficient? It's going to sort the whole table...
plus, what is 'rownum'? Does that work?

There should be a more efficient way shouldnt there... a full table scan with an array of 5, something like that, should be done by the optimizer. Not a full sort of the table and then take only 5...

very inefficient isnt it.

Re: RANK: Selecting the sum of the top n highest values, only n values max [message #155604 is a reply to message #155600] Tue, 17 January 2006 11:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Art Metzer
Messages: 2480
Registered: December 2002
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It won't "sort the whole table" if the optimizer chooses to use the stopkey optimization. For more information, please read
Re: RANK: Selecting the sum of the top n highest values, only n values max [message #155607 is a reply to message #155597] Tue, 17 January 2006 11:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 24
Registered: November 2005
Location: Netherlands
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Thanks (again) Art,

Can I summarize that you are indicating that to get ONLY the top 5 of values, also returning only FIVE if there would be, say, 9 values all identical, and highest, the best way to go about doing this would be:

select * from (select * from T order by B desc) where rownum <=5


Thanks thanks
Re: RANK: Selecting the sum of the top n highest values, only n values max [message #155614 is a reply to message #155607] Tue, 17 January 2006 11:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Art Metzer
Messages: 2480
Registered: December 2002
Senior Member
It all depends on your requirements.

If you have a nine-way tie, do you absolutely want to show all nine tying rows? Or the top five rows by some additional ordering criterion? Or can you only accept a maximum of five rows period, in which case the requirement is to just grab five rows at random?
Re: RANK: Selecting the sum of the top n highest values, only n values max [message #155626 is a reply to message #155597] Tue, 17 January 2006 12:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 24
Registered: November 2005
Location: Netherlands
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Yes I just need to sum the values themselves so it can come from any row whatsoever. Just have to make sure that there are no other values higher than the 5 that I am grabbing. Has to be 5 all the time except when there are only 4 or less, then only sum those...

Re: RANK: Selecting the sum of the top n highest values, only n values max [message #155628 is a reply to message #155626] Tue, 17 January 2006 13:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Art Metzer
Messages: 2480
Registered: December 2002
Senior Member
Then your ROWNUM solution should work fine.
select * from (select * from T order by B desc) where rownum <=5
Re: RANK: Selecting the sum of the top n highest values, only n values max [message #155631 is a reply to message #155597] Tue, 17 January 2006 13:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 24
Registered: November 2005
Location: Netherlands
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but this select from, order by desc.... i mean, it is going to be browsing through about 500,000,000 rows... (although partitioned by date). And what is worse, I am going to have to calculate it for EACH individual article_number in that table, over a certain period. There are about 200000 articles... Locations * articles * weeks could be up to 1,000,000 calculations; for each article number I have to find the top 5 selling locations...

I hope you have some time to look at my alternative solution, involving an index-by table and a cursor:

Suppose the problem concerns a sales table with four fields:

ARTICLE (NUMBER) --> up to 200000 different articles
LOCATION (NUMBER) --> about 200 locations

Instead I was thinking of the following approach:
run a cursor for loop over the table to give all location/articles for the relevant period(s). Order this by LOCATION. So Articles are passed in random order in the loop.

Fill an index-by table using the article number as an index.
On the index location I put a record. This record contains (amongst lots of other things) a VARRAY(5) with top-selling locations.

e.g.: sales(article).top5(1) will contain the highest amount for that article. Location that was involved is not relevant, just its total sales amt for this article.

Since the set is ordered by location, I keep adding to the total (for each article there is one index location) until the location changes. Then, if the location has changed, I do a check to see if the total_sales for that location is in the top 5 of that article. Remember this goes for each article.

Would that be faster? If you need more info, I'd be happy to share...

thanks again

[Updated on: Tue, 17 January 2006 13:48]

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Re: RANK: Selecting the sum of the top n highest values, only n values max [message #155639 is a reply to message #155631] Tue, 17 January 2006 14:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Art Metzer
Messages: 2480
Registered: December 2002
Senior Member
Have you looked into the ROW_NUMBER() analytic function? In that call, you would partition by your article_number.

My general advice to you would be, don't reinvent the wheel. "If you can do it in SQL, do it." Only resort to PL/SQL if you absolutely have to (which I don't think you do).

Make sure your tables statistics have been recently analyzed.

Then benchmark the SQL solution, and the PL/SQL solution, if you so choose.

For more on the ROW_NUMBER analytic function, search AskTom.
Re: RANK: Selecting the sum of the top n highest values, only n values max [message #155640 is a reply to message #155639] Tue, 17 January 2006 14:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 24
Registered: November 2005
Location: Netherlands
Junior Member
Art Metzer wrote on Tue, 17 January 2006 21:44

Have you looked into the ROW_NUMBER() analytic function? In that call, you would partition by your article_number.

I dont totally see your solution... partition by art_number? The table has been partitioned by date but I suppose with a subset I could do anything else. Could you please explain a bit?


[Updated on: Tue, 17 January 2006 14:53]

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Re: RANK: Selecting the sum of the top n highest values, only n values max [message #155643 is a reply to message #155640] Tue, 17 January 2006 15:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Art Metzer
Messages: 2480
Registered: December 2002
Senior Member
An example might be best.

Here's a query that shows the top five locations (one of nine possible two-letter codes) for each of twenty-six articles (single letter of the alphabet):
  2      article_number  VARCHAR2(1)
  3  ,   location        VARCHAR2(2)
  4  ,   dt              DATE
  5  ,   sales           NUMBER
  6  )
  7  /
Table created.
  3  ,      CHR(TRUNC(DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE(0,3)) + 65)
  4         || CHR(TRUNC(DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE(0,3)) + 65)
  5  ,      TO_DATE('197901','YYYYMM') + DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE(0,10000)
  6  ,      TRUNC(DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE(0,10000)) * 1E-2
  7  FROM   sys.all_objects
  8  WHERE  ROWNUM <= 5000
  9  /
5000 rows created.
SQL> SELECT   b.article_number
  2  ,        MAX(DECODE(b.r,1,b.location || ':' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(b.total_sales,'fm9990.00'),10))) "#1_LOCATION"
  3  ,        MAX(DECODE(b.r,2,b.location || ':' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(b.total_sales,'fm9990.00'),10))) "#2_LOCATION"
  4  ,        MAX(DECODE(b.r,3,b.location || ':' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(b.total_sales,'fm9990.00'),10))) "#3_LOCATION"
  5  ,        MAX(DECODE(b.r,4,b.location || ':' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(b.total_sales,'fm9990.00'),10))) "#4_LOCATION"
  6  ,        MAX(DECODE(b.r,5,b.location || ':' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(b.total_sales,'fm9990.00'),10))) "#5_LOCATION"
  7  FROM    (SELECT a.article_number
  8           ,      a.location
  9           ,      a.total_sales
 10           ,      ROW_NUMBER()
 11                  OVER (PARTITION BY a.article_number
 12                        ORDER BY     a.total_sales DESC) r
 13           FROM  (SELECT   t.article_number
 14                  ,        t.location
 15                  ,        SUM(t.sales)     total_sales
 16                  FROM     t
 17                  GROUP BY t.article_number
 18                  ,        t.location) a) b
 19  GROUP BY b.article_number
 20  ORDER BY b.article_number
 21  /
- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
A CB:   1243.01 AB:   1220.12 CC:   1136.65 BB:   1092.00 AC:    873.07
B BC:   1315.07 CB:   1210.55 AB:   1096.69 AC:    992.31 CC:    913.12
C BB:   1526.50 BA:   1463.79 BC:   1254.00 AA:   1221.40 CB:   1202.82
D CB:   1774.60 BB:   1713.99 AA:   1592.01 AB:   1323.78 CA:    977.92
E AC:   1240.18 BA:   1163.41 AA:   1019.80 CA:    939.67 BB:    856.59
F AB:   1337.53 AA:   1325.00 CC:   1199.50 BB:   1124.83 BC:   1064.63
G AA:   1838.99 BA:   1383.37 CC:   1214.45 BC:   1183.18 AB:   1161.77
H AB:   1790.31 BB:   1493.82 CB:   1387.30 BA:   1332.45 BC:   1320.80
I AA:   1844.60 AC:   1186.10 BA:   1122.40 AB:    976.72 CA:    925.43
J AA:   1149.16 CB:   1108.97 BB:    957.67 AB:    902.75 AC:    899.79
K BC:   1568.66 CC:   1358.95 BA:   1335.33 CB:   1215.88 AB:   1091.22
L BB:   1238.54 BC:   1217.45 BA:   1119.37 CA:   1088.63 CC:   1079.85
M BC:   1273.45 CA:   1163.99 AC:   1112.90 BA:   1102.88 CB:   1063.84
N BB:   1724.76 CB:   1360.67 CA:   1287.25 AB:   1267.32 BA:   1238.88
O CA:   1422.41 CB:   1386.23 AB:   1380.47 AA:   1372.09 BA:   1312.06
P AB:   1451.14 AA:   1333.88 BC:   1131.36 BA:   1062.11 CC:   1008.58
Q BA:   1355.69 CA:   1276.48 CB:   1266.73 BB:   1131.05 AC:   1021.95
R BA:   1400.46 AC:   1296.94 CB:   1113.09 AB:   1052.78 CC:   1011.71
S AA:   1446.47 BB:   1381.35 CA:   1265.83 CC:   1248.37 AB:   1172.45
T CA:   1681.45 CB:   1407.47 AC:   1280.56 AA:   1219.67 BC:   1164.08
U CB:   1346.14 AA:   1209.67 AC:   1209.38 BB:   1133.90 CC:   1037.00
V AC:   1251.18 CC:   1249.93 BC:   1148.45 BA:   1138.22 AA:   1085.44
W CA:   1268.80 BA:   1208.33 BB:   1191.23 CB:   1112.65 AB:   1026.37
X CB:   1404.09 AA:   1281.85 BC:   1278.58 AB:   1084.74 AC:    961.25
Y BA:   1345.74 BB:   1279.04 BC:   1265.53 AB:   1145.38 CC:   1134.65
Z AA:   1585.47 CA:   1308.87 BA:   1223.27 BB:   1128.17 BC:   1104.22
26 rows selected.
Re: RANK: Selecting the sum of the top n highest values, only n values max [message #155646 is a reply to message #155597] Tue, 17 January 2006 15:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 24
Registered: November 2005
Location: Netherlands
Junior Member
THANKS!!!! Cool
icon1.gif  Re: RANK: Selecting the sum of the top n highest values, only n values max [message #155760 is a reply to message #155597] Wed, 18 January 2006 08:09 Go to previous message
Messages: 24
Registered: November 2005
Location: Netherlands
Junior Member
However, however...

I am facing the problem that I would need to place a major WHERE clause on two locations in that select statement...

Will that still perform???

I will show you the basic select statement (in my solution a cursor that is used to fill the index-by table).

Also at the end of this post I have included my solution, well part of it... not asking 'what do you think of my code', more like an explanation of the approach if the query becomes too big.

This statement consists of the INNER JOIN of several tables. This is to deal with restrictions that apply to the data in several tabels; e.g. for a particular article from the sales table (in reality the E_KASSABON table), the restriction applies that its should have status VALID in another table (here: e_art_hist.art_status; where e_art_hist is linked to e_kassabon through a substitute key in the e_art_geldig table).

Without wanting to go into too much detail here, the problem I now face is that the partition by needs only to be done over ONLY the articles in this result set; I suppose this implies the whole inner join bunch should go into BOTH the GROUP BY sections of your example as far as I can see??

Lot of processing time, and lot of text???

Hope you have some thoughts on this...

SELECT e_vst.vst_nr, cls_nr, e_cls_art.art_nr
FROM e_art_hist
INNER JOIN e_art_geldig USING (art_key)
INNER JOIN e_cls_art ON e_art_geldig.art_nr = e_cls_art.art_nr
INNER JOIN e_cls_vst USING (cls_nr)
INNER JOIN e_vst ON e_vst.vst_nr = e_cls_vst.vst_nr
INNER JOIN e_kassabon ON e_kassabon.vst_nr = e_vst.vst_nr
AND e_kassabon.art_nr = e_cls_art.art_nr
WHERE e_kassabon.tract_datum BETWEEN (r1.peildatum AND r1.peildatum +6)
AND e_art_geldig.beg_datum <= r1.peildatum
AND e_art_geldig.eind_datum >= r1.peildatum
AND e_art_hist.art_status = 'A'
AND e_cls_art.beg_datum_bron <= r1.peildatum
AND e_cls_art.eind_datum_bron >= r1.peildatum
AND e_cls_art.beg_datum <= r1.peildatum
AND e_cls_art.eind_datum > r1.peildatum
AND e_cls_vst.beg_datum_bron <= r1.peildatum
AND e_cls_vst.eind_datum_bron >= r1.peildatum
AND e_cls_vst.beg_datum <= r1.peildatum
AND e_cls_vst.eind_datum > r1.peildatum

My solution (hope you can look through fieldname details etc):

one cursor to determine time period (peildatum: a date in a week). Second cursor loops within this one over mainly the E_KASSABON table, but with restrictions from many other tables (E_KASSABON is the big one).

VARRAY is used to store and update the top 5 of locations, while a certain location is being processed ('VST_NR' = 'LOCATION_NR'), for each article number (ART_NR) such a VARRAY is inserted in the index-by table on the index of the article number and updated each time the article number is encountered (loop is through ordered VST_NRs, not ordered ART_NRs. This is because I need ordering on BON_ID per VST_NR. (BON_ID = 'sale-id', where one sale can be more articles.)).


CURSOR c1_peildata IS
WHERE proceskode IN ('LOAD', 'TLOD')
AND db_datum >
    WHERE proceskode = 'IKBAGG'
    AND result_kode < 2;

CURSOR c2_vstdag IS
e_kassabon. nogwat,
FROM e_art_hist
INNER JOIN e_art_geldig USING (art_key)
INNER JOIN e_cls_art ON e_art_geldig.art_nr = e_cls_art.art_nr
INNER JOIN e_cls_vst USING (cls_nr)
INNER JOIN e_vst ON e_vst.vst_nr = e_cls_vst.vst_nr
INNER JOIN e_kassabon ON e_kassabon.vst_nr = e_vst.vst_nr
AND e_kassabon.art_nr = e_cls_art.art_nr
WHERE e_kassabon.tract_datum BETWEEN (r1.peildatum AND r1.peildatum +6)
AND e_art_geldig.beg_datum <= r1.peildatum
AND e_art_geldig.eind_datum >= r1.peildatum
AND e_art_hist.art_status = 'A'
AND e_cls_art.beg_datum_bron <= r1.peildatum
AND e_cls_art.eind_datum_bron >= r1.peildatum
AND e_cls_art.beg_datum <= r1.peildatum
AND e_cls_art.eind_datum > r1.peildatum
AND e_cls_vst.beg_datum_bron <= r1.peildatum
AND e_cls_vst.eind_datum_bron >= r1.peildatum
AND e_cls_vst.beg_datum <= r1.peildatum
AND e_cls_vst.eind_datum > r1.peildatum


TYPE Kasbonrec IS RECORD ( 
    vst_nr  E_KASSABON.VST_NR%TYPE, -- huidige vestigingsnummer
    cls_nr  E_KASSABON.CLS_NR%TYPE, -- alleen het meest recente cls_nr blijft bewaard.
    art_nr  E_KASSABON.ART_NR%TYPE, -- nodig voor sortering.
    bon_id  E_KASSABON.BON_ID%TYPE, --om bon id vast te houden; als dit wijzigt dan aantal klanten + 1
    aantal_stuks  E_KASSABON.AANTAL%TYPE, -- totaal aantal verkopen. Opgehoogd met aantal verkopen in huidig record.
    aantal_bonnen NUMBER, --aantal klanten voor dit artikel. Opgehoogd met 1 zodra bonid vorig en huidig ongelijk zijn.
    aantal_vestigingen NUMBER ,-- totaal aantal vestigingen dat dit artikel voert
    vst_totaal NUMBER, --totale verkoopbedrag voor dit artikel voor de huidige vestiging; als vst_nr wijzigt dan reset
    vst_top_5_Arr TOPVSTOMZ%TYPE -- array om voor dit artikel de vestigingstop 5 bij te houden



top5Counter1 NUMBER;
top5Counter2 NUMBER;
arrIndex NUMBER;

OR r1_peildatum IN c1_peildata LOOP

    FOR r2_vstdag IN c2_vstdag LOOP
        arrIndex : = r2_vstdag.ART_NR;
        aantalVestigingen := 0;
        aantalBonnen := 0;
        aantalStuks := 0;

        IF ArrA_VST_ART(arrIndex).VST_NR <> r2_vstdag.VST_NR 

        FOR top5Counter1 IN REVERSE 1..5 -- Telt af van 5 naar 1.
            IF huidige waarde >= Arr(top5Counter1)
                FOR top5Counter2 IN 1..top5Counter1-1
                    topVstOmz(top5Counter2) := topVstOmz(top5Counter2+1);
                END LOOP;
                topVstOmz(top5Counter1):= ArrA_VST_ART(r2_vstdag.ART_NR).VST_TOTAAL;
            END IF;
        END LOOP;

            ArrA(arrIndex).VST_NR := r2_vstdag.VST_NR;
            ArrA(arrIndex).VST_TOTAAL := 0;

            aantalVestigingen := aantalVestigingen + 1;  <<--"vestiging" stands for "location"
        END IF;
        IF ArrA_VST_ART(arrIndex).BON_ID <> r2_vstdag.BON_ID

        END IF;

        ArrA(arrIndex).AANTAL_VERKOCHT := ArrA(arrIndex).AANTAL_VERKOCHT + r2_vstdag.AANTAL;
        ArrA(arrIndex).NETTO_OMZET_WAARDE := ArrA(arrIndex).NETTO_OMZET_WAARDE + r2_vstdag.BONREG_BEDRAG;
        ArrA(arrIndex).BGW := ArrA(arrIndex).BGW + r2_vstdag.BGW;

        IF r2_vstdag.PROM_ID IN (lijst met waarden voor promotie)
          ArrA(arrIndex).PROM_OMZET_WAARDE := ArrA(arrIndex).PROM_OMZET_WAARDE + r2_vstdag.BONREG_BEDRAG;
        END IF;

          ArrA(r2_vstdag.ART_NR).BON_ID <> r2_vstdag.BON_ID
              ArrA(arrIndex).AANTAL_KLANTEN = ArrA(arrIndex).AANTAL_KLANTEN +1;
              ArrA(arrIndex).BON_ID = r2_vstdag.BON_ID;
        END IF;

[Updated on: Wed, 18 January 2006 10:11]

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