delete statement cause application hang [message #130627] |
Mon, 01 August 2005 11:21 |
Messages: 29 Registered: June 2005
Junior Member |
i have an application which checks if the data already stored in the database, if it does, then delete. When this delete involves thousands records, the application hangs there. The autocommit is turned false and the change is committed after the whole job is done.
I kind of suspecting the setting of the redo log buffer. But i am not experienced in tuning this.
Any suggestion on what would be the cause? Thanks.
Re: delete statement cause application hang [message #130640 is a reply to message #130630] |
Mon, 01 August 2005 14:36 |
Messages: 29 Registered: June 2005
Junior Member |
Thanks for the reply.
Can you elaborate a little more on:
1. Why HWM can cause a delete statement hang?
2. Why i need reset HWM?
My situation is: I need clean the existing data in
order to reload the data, e.g. i will have the same
amount of inserts or so following the delete.
Re: delete statement cause application hang [message #130643 is a reply to message #130640] |
Mon, 01 August 2005 15:28 |
Mahesh Rajendran
Messages: 10708 Registered: March 2002 Location: oracleDocoVille
Senior Member Account Moderator |
>>1. Why HWM can cause a delete statement hang?
>>2. Why i need reset HWM?
It may not be hanging.
It is just slow.
As the data is added to table,table size grows and the extent are allocated more.
The highest occupied level is HWM ( Higwatermark).
When you delete data, this space / extents are not released and HWM is NOT reset to the deleted level.
say at one stage, you may have 100 extents.
you delete 90% the data.
But still oracle maintains 100 extent.
when you query this table, oracle will search all the 100 extents(upto the HWM), though most of them contains no data
( which is reason for high i/0)
When you truncate the table,
the HWM is reset.extents are released. ( 100 extents allocated are releaseed and the MINinum extents are maintained)
after loading right data again, you may have say 10 extents allocated.
now if you query , oracle will search only 10 extents.!
-- Load some records
scott@9i > @emp_loopinsert
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
scott@9i > get emp_loopinsert
1 begin
2 for mag in 1..15 loop
3 insert into emp (select * from emp);
4 end loop;
5 commit;
6* end;
scott@9i >
scott@9i > select count(*) from emp;
-- index and gather stats
scott@9i > create index myindex on emp(empno);
Index created.
scott@9i > analyze table emp compute statistics;
Table analyzed.
scott@9i > analyze index myindex compute statistics;
Index analyzed.
-- lets check how many extents are allocated and the size_in_MB it took
scott@9i > get max_ext_reach
1 select segment_name "name",
2 segment_type,
3 max_extents "maximum allowed",
4 extents "current"
5 from user_segments
6* where segment_name='EMP';
7 .
scott@9i > get size
1* Select segment_name,bytes /(1024*1024) from user_segments where segment_name='EMP';
scott@9i > @max_ext_reach
name SEGMENT_TYPE maximum allowed current
---------- ------------------ --------------- ----------
EMP TABLE 2147483645 22
scott@9i > @size
SEGMENT_NA BYTES/(1024*1024)
---------- -----------------
EMP 22
--Enable trace
scott@9i > set autotrace traceonly exp stat
scott@9i > set timing on
-- Lets do the delete
scott@9i > delete from emp where deptno=10;
98304 rows deleted.
Elapsed: 00:00:26.91
Execution Plan
0 DELETE STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=135 Card=152917 Byte
2 1 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'EMP' (Cost=135 Card=152917 Bytes
296 recursive calls
299679 db block gets
1536 consistent gets
1456 physical reads
47245832 redo size
1019 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
1044 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
4 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
1 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
98304 rows processed
scott@9i > set autotrace off
scott@9i > set time off
-- check the size/extents again.
-- thoufh 98304 rows are deleted, no space/extents is released
scott@9i > @size
SEGMENT_NA BYTES/(1024*1024)
---------- -----------------
EMP 22
scott@9i > @max_ext_reach
name SEGMENT_TYPE maximum allowed current
---------- ------------------ --------------- ----------
EMP TABLE 2147483645 22
-- So the table has less data now.
-- But if you query the table, you will search alll the 22 extents, even though
-- some have no data in it.
-- NOw use CTAS
-- Truncate the table
-- check the size/extents
-- all space is released.
scott@9i > create table another_emp nologging as select * from emp where deptno !=20;
Table created.
scott@9i > set timing on
scott@9i > truncate table emp;
Table truncated.
Elapsed: 00:00:02.18
scott@9i > @size
SEGMENT_NA BYTES/(1024*1024)
---------- -----------------
Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
scott@9i > @max_ext_reach
name SEGMENT_TYPE maximum allowed current
---------- ------------------ --------------- ----------
EMP TABLE 2147483645 1
Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
-- insert your data back.
1* insert /*+ append */ into emp (select * from another_emp)
scott@9i > /
196608 rows created.
Elapsed: 00:00:10.62
scott@9i > @size
SEGMENT_NA BYTES/(1024*1024)
---------- -----------------
EMP 10
Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
scott@9i > @max_ext_reach
name SEGMENT_TYPE maximum allowed current
---------- ------------------ --------------- ----------
EMP TABLE 2147483645 10
Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
-- Since Truncate deletes all the data, it may not be an option (if you cannot use CTAS).
-- so the least we can do is ( if there is a huge delete)
-- 1. if you are deleting all data , truncate /drop the table
-- 2. if you are deleting only selective data, use CTAS as shown above.
-- 3. If you delete regularly and you want reset hwm alter table move will also help
you can see here again, after delete no space is released.
so move the table to the same tablespace it is.
this will release the space
You also need to move the indexes seperatly
after all done, make sure you gather the table/index stats again!.
scott@9i > @size
SEGMENT_NA BYTES/(1024*1024)
---------- -----------------
EMP 10
scott@9i > @max_ext_reach
name SEGMENT_TYPE maximum allowed current
---------- ------------------ --------------- ----------
EMP TABLE 2147483645 10
scott@9i > delete from emp;
196608 rows deleted.
scott@9i > commit;
Commit complete.
scott@9i > @size
SEGMENT_NA BYTES/(1024*1024)
---------- -----------------
EMP 10
scott@9i > @max_ext_reach
name SEGMENT_TYPE maximum allowed current
---------- ------------------ --------------- ----------
EMP TABLE 2147483645 10
scott@9i > alter table emp move tablespace users;
Table altered.
scott@9i > @size
SEGMENT_NA BYTES/(1024*1024)
---------- -----------------
scott@9i > @max_ext_reach
name SEGMENT_TYPE maximum allowed current
---------- ------------------ --------------- ----------
EMP TABLE 2147483645 1