i have a big problems, to install oracle 9i v9.2 Server to my "Windows
XP" with Service Pack 2 and all security and other updates from
The "Universall Installer" (Standard Edition is Selected and only
Software is Selected) throws an exception, during the installation by
11 Percent installation progress!
Oracle is sait to can't write the "osdamin.jar" to the file system!
When i ingnore this file, the installer continues to 12 percent and
also raise an exception (can't write file) assistantsCommon.jar ....
and so on and so on!
My Notes to the problems.
1. The installation ist started as Local Administrator
2. My HDD is work to 100% correctly! (chkdsk)
3. Viruses Scanner is disabled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. JRE 1.4.2 is Installed
5. The Windows XP is an English operation system and the oracle
install is german edition
In the error log file stands:
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.osd.win32.OiipwWin32NativeCalls.GetAllOracleHomes(Native
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.oiipg.OiipgOracleHomes.getAllOracleHomes(OiipgOracleHomes.java:1136)
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.oiipg.OiipgOracleHomes.getAllHomes(OiipgOracleHomes.java:1198)
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwInvLocWCCE.initialize(OiifwInvLocWCCE.java:106)
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifb.OiifbCondIterator.iterate(OiifbCondIterator.java:129)
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicPullSession.doOperation(OiicPullSession.java:586)
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicSessionWrapper.doOperation(OiicSessionWrapper.java:177)
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifb.OiifbLinearIterator.iterate(OiifbLinearIterator.java:116)
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.run(OiicInstaller.java:358)
at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.main(OiicInstaller.java:637)
java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid entry size (expected 4363698 but
got 4363798 bytes)
In the log file stands (sorry it's in german)
Ausnahme von Aktion: copyGroupFromJar
Name der Ausnahme: IOException2
Zeichenfolge der Ausnahme: Fehler beim Schreiben in Datei
Ausnahmegrad: 2
Ausnahmebehandlung auf Benutzer-Eingabeaufforderung mit folgenden
Benutzerauswahl: Ignorieren
Aufruf von Aktion fileActions2. copyGroupFromJar
selectedNodes = null
copyGroup = lib
permissions = null
owner = null
group = null
copyAsText = null
JarLoc = C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\OraInstall2005-03-14_12-45-09PM\temp127
gpEntries = [[netutil.jar ->%ORACLE_HOME%/ldap/oidadmin/netutil.jar
49745 plats=1=>[912,50]
langs=1=> [en,fr,ar,bn,pt_BR,bg,fr_CA,ca,hr,cs,da,nl,ar_EG,en_GB,et,fi,de,el,iw,hu,is,in,it,ja,ko,es,lv,lt,ms,es_MX,no,pl,pt,ro,ru,zh_CN,sk,sl, es_ES,sv,th,zh_TW,tr,uk,vi]]
, [oidldap.jar ->%ORACLE_HOME%/ldap/oidadmin/oidldap.jar 98645
plats=1=>[912,50] langs=1=> [en,fr,ar,bn,pt_BR,bg,fr_CA,ca,hr,cs,da,nl,ar_EG,en_GB,et,fi,de,el,iw,hu,is,in,it,ja,ko,es,lv,lt,ms,es_MX,no,pl,pt,ro,ru,zh_CN,sk,sl, es_ES,sv,th,zh_TW,tr,uk,vi]]
, [dasnls.jar ->%ORACLE_HOME%/ldap/oidadmin/dasnls.jar 554746
plats=1=>[912,50] langs=1=> [en,fr,ar,bn,pt_BR,bg,fr_CA,ca,hr,cs,da,nl,ar_EG,en_GB,et,fi,de,el,iw,hu,is,in,it,ja,ko,es,lv,lt,ms,es_MX,no,pl,pt,ro,ru,zh_CN,sk,sl, es_ES,sv,th,zh_TW,tr,uk,vi]]
My Questions are:
Why can't the installer write the file to file system?
Always on each error there is a *.jar file?
It's a security problem by +.jar files in windows by the installer?
Hase any an idea to resolve my problems?
Please help me.........