I have a a PL/SQL application I am trying to migrate to Application Express and ORDS on Tomcat. The PL/SQL application has packages that use the htp package to generate web pages.
I have APEX and ORDS installed and I can start ORDS through Tomcat. I just want to set things up so that a URL like localhost:8080/ords/gator/gator$session.Hello gets invoked to generate a web page just like it used to with MOD_PLSQL. I made sure the package compiles without errors and has a public procedure like:
But at the moment I get a 404 Not Found error when trying to access this simple page-generating procedure. What setup steps have I missed?
My setup (using SYS as SYSDBA)
-- Establish the container.
alter session set container=XEPDB1;
-- Drop the user if it already exists.
drop user GATOR cascade;
-- Create the user.
create user GATOR identified by gator
default tablespace users quota unlimited on users;
alter user GATOR grant connect through ORDS_PUBLIC_USER;
-- Grant permissions.
grant create session to GATOR;
grant create sequence to GATOR;
grant create public synonym to GATOR;
grant create database link to GATOR;
grant create synonym to GATOR;
grant create trigger to GATOR;
grant create table to GATOR;
grant create role to GATOR;
grant create procedure to GATOR;
grant create materialized view to GATOR;
grant alter session to GATOR;
grant create view to GATOR;
grant create any DIRECTORY to GATOR;
grant drop any directory to GATOR;
then as (gator/gator@xepdb1)
p_enabled => TRUE,
p_schema => 'GATOR',
p_url_mapping_type => 'BASE_PATH',
p_url_mapping_pattern => 'gator',
p_auto_rest_auth => FALSE