I'm trying to deploy an ear file twice on **Weblogic**. The applications are the same expect for context-root.
They have:
1. Same JPA models
2. Same persistance.xml (with same peristance-unit-name)
3. When I deploy "the second" ear and try to access to db from the first one I receive a
> java.lang.ClassCastException: com.myApplication.models.entityOne
> cannot be cast to com.myApplication.models.entityOne
It seem that the first ear use its own models but the EntityManager of second one ear.
Structure of my ear file is something like that:
- lib
- jar-with-my-models.jar
- jar-with-persistance.jar
Persistence.xml is defined as following:
<persistence-unit name="my-persistance-unit" transaction-type="JTA">
Weblogic.xml is definied as following:
I'm deploy twice my ear file because I want to replicate an issue that I received during paralell deploy in weblogic