When queuing the arabic text into the queue , it is getting inserted as ¿¿¿¿.
How ever when i try to insert the same into a table it is getting inserted as Arabic text.
o_payload := queue_PushSMS_payload_Type_var(:NEW.Messagetext, 'Android', V_TOKEN,'CBQ Promotional SMS',:NEW.Notiid, :NEW.Messageid);
queue_name => 'SMSII.PUSHSMS_queue_var',
enqueue_options => r_enqueue_options,
message_properties => r_message_properties,
payload => o_payload,
msgid => v_message_handle
insert into test.test_sms values(:NEW.Messagetext);
Here in the above code am able to see the arabic text in test.test_sms table but not in the queue.
Both are having the same datatype nvarchar2(2000)