I am writing a code to fetch few details of the jobs using python script using emcli in interactive mode.
When i give the following code outside emcli, it works perfectly
D:\OMS_HOME>emcli list -sql="select sysdate-1 from dual"
2017-01-26 06:07:34.0
But when I go with interactive mode, I see the session are getting disconnected.
Can anyone help to get the results out of it using interactive mode in emcli.
FYI , I am not able to use cx_oracle as I am using emcli @script1.py to execute the script
emcli>list (sql="select sysdate-1 from dual")
Error: Session expired. Run emcli login to establish a session.
emcli>list (sql='select sysdate-1 from dual')
Error: Session expired. Run emcli login to establish a session.
emcli>f_sql="select sysdate-1 from dual"
emcli>list (sql=f_sql)
Error: Session expired. Run emcli login to establish a session.