I noticed when I create an apex control in plsql, for example a text box like this:
procedure tmp_drawControls AS
htp.p (
p_idx => 1,
p_value => NULL,
p_size =>20 ,
p_maxlength => 20 ,
p_attributes => NULL,
p_item_id => 'x123' ,
p_item_label => 'Search')
END tmp_drawControls;
This control is never added to the session items, like a normal APEX input when created in the gui.
If I want to retain the value in the input for the session, what is the way to do this? It's a search box so I don't want to write the values to a table and then retrieve on each postback.
[Updated on: Wed, 19 August 2015 05:30]
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