I need to migrate a workspace from a database to another one.
I use APEX 3.2.1
Oracle on Linux Red Hat 6
I have recreated the workspace with this command in my destination database:
wwv_flow_api.set_security_group_id(p_security_group_id=> apex_util.find_security_group_id('WORKSPACE_NAME'));
apex_util.create_user (p_user_name => 'ADMIN', p_first_name => 'ADMIN',
p_last_name => 'ADMIN', p_description => 'ADMIN', p_web_password => 'xx', p_email_address => 'pec-dc@cineca.it',
p_developer_privs => 'ADMIN:CREATE:DATA_LOADER:EDIT:HELP:MONITOR:SQL', p_change_password_on_first_use => 'N');
I exported the application in the workspaces with these commands:
1) In my source database:
select to_char(application_id) from apex_applications where workspace like 'WORKSPACE_NAME';
And then:
java oracle.apex.APEXExport -db db08-int.dbc.cineca.it:4099:db08 -user APEX_030200 -password ap3xpr\!pr0d -applicationid <ID>
java oracle.apex.APEXExport -db db08-int.dbc.cineca.it:4099:db08 -user APEX_030200 -password ap3xpr\!pr0d -applicationid <ID>
In order to import my application I execute as APEX_030200 the sql file f*sql:
APPLICATION 70036201 - Reporting allocazione costi
Set Credentials...
Check Compatibility...
API Last Extended:20090112
Your Current Version:20090112
This import is compatible with version: 20090112
COMPATIBLE (You should be able to run this import without issues.)
Set Application ID...
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (APEX_030200.WWV_FLOWS_FK) violated - parent
key not found
ORA-06512: at "APEX_030200.WWV_FLOW_API", line 555
ORA-06512: at line 3
I suppose this error depend on the different workspace id. How can I fix this?
I can't use web interface.
[Updated on: Wed, 26 November 2014 02:07]
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