we are taking backup in following fashion
Monday -> Incremental level=0 cumulative database plus archivelog
and at the end (delete noprompt obsolete,crosscheck backup,delete noprompt expired backup)
Thursday -> Incremental level=1 cumulative database plus archivelog
Friday -> Incremental level=1 cumulative database plus archivelog
then following thread backup every 4 hours on this day
backupset filesperset=50 archivelog from sequence=0 thread=1
backupset filesperset=50 archivelog from sequence=0 thread=2
Saturday -> Incremental level=1 cumulative database plus archivelog
then following thread backup every 4 hours on this day
backupset filesperset=50 archivelog from sequence=0 thread=1
backupset filesperset=50 archivelog from sequence=0 thread=2
Sunday -> Incremental level=1 cumulative database plus archivelog
then following thread backup every 4 hours on this day
backupset filesperset=50 archivelog from sequence=0 thread=1
backupset filesperset=50 archivelog from sequence=0 thread=2
Also following script run every hour throught the week
delete archivelog until time='sysdate-4' backed up 1 times to device type disk;
now suppose the full rman backup (Incremental level=0 cumulative) took place on monday, 12/11 and finished on 14/11
later INC (Incremental level=1 cumulative) and archivelog backup continued as per above schedule till 18/11
On next monday i.e. 19/11 will the Full (Incremental level=0 cumulative) backup archivelogs which were not backed up by the INC backup say on 18/11 evening etc.? or say even from 17/11 if INC backup did Not run for 17/11 and 18/11?
will it switch the online redo and backup them only at the start - then datafiles and then archive logs generated during the backof of datafiles?
Thanks and Regards