Hi Techies,
I have a requirement like this
Once my XML publisher PDF report gets generated i have to delete the XML generated from the server.I have a seperate host concurrent program which deletes the XML of the particular conc_request_id using this command
rm -f $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT/o'||ln_conc_req_id||'.out`'
I am calling this host program in After Report Trigger.
This idea works out fine in R12 but in 11.5.10 my host program completes normal whereas my report completes with warning.
XML is deleted from the location but PDF is not getting generated.
I also checked this table FND_CONC_REQ_OUTPUTS. No PDF output generated.
My question is when it works for R12 why not in 11.5.10??
when the PDF output get generated in 11.5.10?