Recently I was told to look into a piece of code which is taking 1 day to complete.
The Package basically uses MERGE statment to do updation or insertion based on different set of conditions
There are two MERGE statements in the proc. to two different tables, as you can see one of the subquery aliased 's'
in both the queries are same. I was thinking of creating a view for the derived table 's' so that queries become faster.
Is there any other suggestion so that I can rewrite these queries, keeping performance in mind.
No I don't need anyone to rewrite the queries for me, I just want suggestions like whether using WITH clause in both the queries is possible or will a CURSOR here help. ( for the subquery which is common in both the queries).
MERGE into tab1 t
UsING (Select distinct item_id
, po_num
, po_line
, receiver
, cost_type
from item_location y,
( select c.item_id
from facts c
,po_line a
where c.item_id = a.item_id
and c.po_num = a.po_num
and c.po_line = a.po_line ) x
where y.item_id = x.item_id
) s
ON ( t.dgp_flag = s.dgp_managed
AND t.onecost_costtype = s.cost_type
INSERT ( t.flag_id
VALUES ( seq_one.nextval
, s.dgp_managed
, s.cost_type
MERGE into tab2 t
UsING (Select n.flag_id
, m.cost_type
, m.dgp_managed
, m.po_num
, m.po_line
, m.item_id
, m.receiver
, m.location
from receipts n,
(Select distinct item_id
, po_num
, po_line
, receiver
, cost_type
from item_location y,
( select c.item_id
from facts c
,po_line a
where c.item_id = a.item_id
and c.po_num = a.po_num
and c.po_line = a.po_line
) x
where y.item_id = x.item_id
) s
WHERE n.dgp_flag = s.dgp_managed
AND n.onecost_costtype = s.cost_type ) M
ON ( t.po_num = M.po_num
AND t.po_num = M.po_num
AND t.po_line = M.po_line
AND t.item_id = M.item_id
ANd t.receiver = M.receiver
update set flag_id = M.flag_id;