Hi all!
I have about 200 Select scripts will be called in a bat file , my purpose that how to run them simulation in a time to test my performance database. I thinks about dbms_scheduler, but it's not or may be I am a a duck !
Scripts: - check_arc_newest.sql
set pagesize 7000
set linesize 600
col name format a25
col "first_time" format a25
col "next_time" format a25
select name,
to_char(first_time,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') "first_time",
to_char(next_time,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') "next_time"
from v$archived_log
where completion_time=(select max(completion_time)
from v$archived_log)
break on report
col name clear
col "first_time" clear
col "next_time" clear
PROMPT +--Identify the newest archive log file--++
.bat file
sqlplus /"as sysdba" @check_arc_newest
200 scripts running simulation.
May you clarify more?