I use AQ in my work in which I dequeue near 1 100 thousand XML's
I use insert procedure within my dequeue procedure means
queue_name => 'XYZ',
dequeue_options => dequeue_options,
message_properties => message_properties,
payload => message,
msgid => message_handle);
/* Procedure INSERT invoked to insert data */
dequeue_options.navigation := DBMS_AQ.NEXT_MESSAGE;
I perform XML operations only after dequeue is over and all data is loaded by insertdat procedure
Now There is req that the same queue will contain three diff types of XML's and I need to use three diff procedures to insert in three diff tables....
Can anyone suggest which function can i use to identify the type of XML(read the tag from p2 before inserting) which is p2 in the code...I will use if statement and based on that tag i will call any of three procedures....
please suggest ...
thanks a lot